Donald Duck is a Cuck

Let me guess. You are blaming it on the guy for getting hired instead of you? Whatever eases the pain, I guess

That woman in the photo is so damn edgy. You go girl, give those middle fingers from a mile away. So edgy

You went from Bernie bro anti big bank to full blown misogyny in as many words. Let me guess, you take any criticism as full blown misogyny?

So basically all men are terrible, right?

“Undocumented” Lol, they are illegal. In other words, they are breaking the law

You realise that the age of consent in Sweden is 15? Ye, they’re brilliant. And how about the skyrocketing rape and sexual assault rate? GTFO

As opposed to the liberal perpetual victim complex? Come on, get real

Hitler and Mussolini ended democracy, which is when fascism started. Pick up a goddamn history book

Your parents are dead to you? What a fucking loser. God, your parents must be embarrassed by you. Get a grip of yourself, and check your immense privilege before declaring your parents dead, fucking retard.

Lol, do you actually shout at random white dudes? Seriously, girl. Stop giving feminists a bad name