Old Grey Young of Shub Niggurath


I remember *kinda* liking it as a kid (but even then I hated Chris Tucker’s character); but, upon a recent re-watch, was simply bored (and low-key surprised at some of the misogyny on parade) and barely made it to the end. 5/10, not recommended

...while I (upon a recent re-watch) agree wholeheartedly with Bindolaf’s opinion on the movie...your burn is both brobdignagian and wondrous, and I appreciate it, and plan on stealing/using it at the very next opportunity.

The Clit.

So...who burned Hanks’ “Dorian Gray” portrait?

Came to say the same: there have been more than a few “IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO ADAPT THAT TO THE SCREEN” adaptations that were (near?) flawless & entertaining in their execution.

So...having endured - watched - John Wick 4, I wish they’d ended Keanu Reeves’ story in JW3.

calculated franchise follow-up” perfectly encapsulates what I’ve been feeling about The Last Crusade since it dropped.

I don’t dislike the sequels as much as you (apparently) do, but I agree on all your points. /solid argument

Swinging by, drunkenly, to say: I had (have? Somewhere?) the “Raiders of the Lost Ark” LP vinyl record. Which is to say: the edited audio from the movie into a radioplay format, onto a 55-minute LP.

I listened the SHIT out of that thing after seeing the movie. (To be honest, I don’t even remember where I found/bought

Okay, when last I checked (about a month ago?), Netflix subscriptions were sitting around 235 million, worldwide.

The outfit wasn’t an owl?

Now playing

All these incredible games and *zero* mention of the (original) “Flatout” series?

This man proves himself to be more and more of an asset each episod...”

Sure, but then he *immediately* fucked up the entire enterprise. - no, Randy. /shame

I have (had) SO many questions about this incident.

Why...are the parents not being investigated/sued? I mean, I know they said they practiced responsible gun ownership and the weapon was secured, etc., but, SOMEHOW the toddler (TODDLER) got past all that security, got his hands on the weapon and brought it to school.

What you just said, plus the fact that Moon Knight was just kind of tonally all over the place, and, as a result, kinda boring. (Well, that and the fact that, despite really liking Ethan Hawke, I also understand that he has a limited range, and “super-villain” ain’t in it.)

This has been my favorite, thus far, of ALL the Marvel shows I’ve watched.

I am love, love, LOVING this show (sincerely), which does not mean that I don’t have a few nitpicks...

- for it not having affected the plot at ALL, why didn’t Kamala simply use her (cell phone’s) GPS to find her way to the train station?

Just swinging by to say: