Old Grey Young of Shub Niggurath

Came for movie suggestions; stayed for my newfound love of (nee) Jason Holliday. <3


“...we can still pass bills that will improve lives. Each of us was sent here to solve problems. That’s what I’ve done for the last 30 years.”

Lol...I was gonna say!

I love (LOVE) me some Beyonce, but, come ON - Prince *buried* that motherfucker.

More importantly: did she just walk out of the Sorting Hat ceremony?

“...the salacious culture that apparently has been the norm at EVERY TV SHOW EVER IN THE HISTORY OF EVER for a long time.”

I’ve been meaning to ask this for years, but it only now finally bubbled to the surface: does the slideshow format save *time*, or something? I mean, from an editorial or publishing standpoint? What is the actual benefit (from the website’s POV)?

Just finished episode 1, and starting episode 2, and...

I am foursquare and 100% behind this proposition: go for it, y’all! /applause gif

Came here to say the same...three years later. /SouthlandRules

Decided to give the show a re-watch (now, in 2023) and...*man*.

You know what?


Don’t even get me started on DeNiro and Pacino (for example); they’ve been phoning it in for fucking DECADES.

Seriously. /nods head appreciatively

I don’t know if it’s my all-out favorite Smashing Pumpkins songs, but it’s one of my favorite songs, period (if that makes sense).

Hahaha...for as long as HBOmax is still alive, at least. /shrugs

Now playing

Talking about soundtracks that rocked my world: “Singles” (1992) and the eight-and-a-half-minute *epic*, “Drown”,

Love (LOVE) Michael Caine, and I have enjoyed (nearly) everything he’s done.

I understand that I’m in the minority here, but:

Just swinging by to say: let’s kick start some big money in Save Ferris’ direction, and get a gigantic reunion tour for them, instead?