
"the connotation is that anyone who found it funny is hate-filled and bigoted as well"

Do you not realize that every electronic message forum of any political significance is heavily populated with bad actors paid to push memes? Seriously. These discussions are diverting and occasionally interesting, but must absolutely must not be taken as indicative of actual attitudes in the population.

"But the Dems are going to have to throw those anti-abortion people a (non-legal) bone if they're going to try to win in 50 states"

Granted deplorables was not a smart political message, but! Having said it, her only smart move would have been to own it. But Hillary was running not to lose, not running to win. Which is not to say it couldn't have worked, but it's not how you win big or build a stable coalition.

He's in the shit up to his neck, that's why.

Yeah, but it's also definitely not allowed for anyone other than that person to know that person's password, or to authorize users instead of roles.

Yeah, but generational effects, my dude. There is a reason that African-American wealth is a single digit percent of white American wealth and it has not even a little bit to do with African-American culture. Maybe you're cool with throwing up your hands and saying "nothing we can do about it now lol" but others of us

I wonder if there are any reasons we can think of that this might be happening

If you don't want to be mistaken for a prejudiced bigot, you might consider not insisting on a transliteration of the word "Muslim" that's coded as used by prejudiced bigots.

For fuck's sake.

She was literally shell-shocked in that scene.

That isn't even close to being an accurate representation of the goals of the Confederacy.

Well, it was only an exciting of-the-week show, at least to me, because the circumstances were so dire and they had to literally live or die with the consequences. That doesn't require a complex season arc, but it does require change in order to remain compelling.

Prestidigitation is a cantrip.

Good luck finding a control group tho.

Hey there white dude. Maybe you shouldn't take it on yourself to speak for all black people. Just a thought.

"MRAs , MGTOW and other men's group do exist. They mostly exist to help men not to follow society and to let it fall apart and going their own way."

Yep. Reagan, at heart, was a fairly genial guy who genuinely softened the edges of his barbaric administration but the whole enterprise was rotten.

Don't forget George HW Bush, despite being a competent president, rode into office on an ugly undercurrent of racism with the Willie Horton ads.

Impossible Germany has one of those rare guitar solos that introduces a new theme.