Black Arachknight

Aloha, Boseman was on the path to greatest equal to D Washington and S Poitier. Such a great talent and even a greater loss. RIP!

Aloha, it’s the same mentality that thinks that everyone else gets hooked on heroin but not them!

Aloha, Here in Hawaii, anyone older than you can be called Auntie or Uncle as a statement of respect. It’s always safe and respectful to call people what they feel the most comfortable with.The ladies don’t like the reference because it makes them feel old. As a man, the first time a person called me Uncle I was like

Aloha, exactly. These guys know that what travels in the media is rude, crude and lewd.

Aloha, I give these people like Owens credit, despite having absolutely nothing tangible to contribute to society, they can generate a whole lot of publicity. What ever happened to accomplishment as a standard for relevancy?

Aloha, the “rich ,white man”, is the ultimate symbol of white authority. Since the early days of America, in order to vote you had to be white , male and own property. There will always be millions of whites as well as other people of color, who will always see the rich white man as the great white father.99% of all

Aloha, an excellent documentary on Netflix titled Who Killed Malcolm X, really highlights the truth behind this assassination.

Aloha, I troll once asked me “why is there a Black Spider-Man?” my answer. In the 60 years history of the character The Amazing Spider-Man there has been a Japanese Spider-Man, Spider-Man India, Spider-Man 2099(Mexican/Irish) 4-5 Spider-Women and Spider-Girls (one Spider-Girl was Cuban), multiple clones of Spider-Man

Aloha, Adults just don’t leave their jobs en masse unless they have a fall back. If this woman is so bad, who hired her without knowing that there would be resistance(to say the least).

Aloha, “ If I can find a white boy who sounds colored I could make a million dollars” Or something to that affect. Stated the owner of the first record company Elvis sang for. Otis Blackwell wrote some of Elvis’s greatest hits. There was an ABC tv special that said that not only did Blackwell write the songs but

Aloha, An excellent documentary currently on Netflix is Who Killed Malcolm X. I sincerely hope that this brother and their families get the money they deserve. It sounds like NYC was trying to play cheap and they said “No Way”.

Aloha, As much as I can agree with the sentiment, 4th of July, Christmas and Easter have been corporate for decades.

Aloha, since 1978, I hold three Guinness world records in public speaking in Harlem, NY outlining the concept and affects of Minority Health Disparities. You are not late as much as the Black media is woefully derelict in its duty at making their readers more informed consistently regarding all forms of health issues

Aloha, Stockholm Syndrome American style I call Charleston Syndrome. Just as some kidnapped victims will fall in love with the kidnapper, so we have some of our people who are all descendants of kidnap victims who “love the master more than the master loves himself”! In truth, they are normal. It is a testament to

Aloha, First, people need to do themselves a favor who love the character and read some of the books. Killmonger has returned from the dead at least 2-3 times in the 56 years of Black Panther. Second, no less than 4 white actors have played Superman, Batman and James Bond. Had Boseman reported to Marvel the day

Aloha, First, people need to do themselves a favor who love the character and read some of the books. Killmonger has returned from the dead at least 2-3 times in the 56 years of Black Panther. Second, no less than 4 white actors have played Superman, Batman and James Bond. Had Boseman reported to Marvel the day

Aloha, In the Marvel comic book universe, the weird stay weird and the grounded stay grounded. In fact, the grounded look to the weird ones to do things that they can’t or won’t.

Aloha, Can we have a serious conversation about Black health.? MX, Shock G, DOOM, Gift of Gab, Biz. People who are financially successful are still not living long enough to draw Social Security at 66!!

Aloha,These are people who have always believed in the adage “what’s good for General Bullmoose is good for the USA”. There was a time when a rich white man could be the center of the universe for a town. He made things happen. These people are still living in that world where it doesn’t matter about them, it’s the

Aloha, I think he was Hungarian, but I get your point.