My first television related boner was to the elder sister that eventually went blind in Little House On The Prairie.
Back to the Future II
Clinging to the bullshit idea that both sides are as bad as each other is not having an open mind. It is utter nonsense unsupported by any evidence. Trump is acting in a way that is utterly unlike previous presidents, and yet you feel the need to suggest that Obama did it too. You are either lying, or you are so…
That was not the point of that comment. It was a troublesome priest moment.
He did? When did he say that Fox news were liars? When did he say that they were the opposition? When did he encourage his crowds to actively hate the media?
I actually typed out a whole joke about sending him back to Africa because of the Lion King, but then I remembered he was a black man and too many Trumpists would agree with the sentiment for real.
I've only seen the top loading washing machines on American TV shows, and even then they were only in the basements of apartment buildings so I assumed that people who had their own washing machines had the "proper" front loading ones.
Americans are weird!
But your TV is not in your peripheral vision. It is right in the centre of your field of view.
My favourite was when someone was pounded in the butt by the physical manifestation of the realisation that they were a character in a Chuck Tingle Tingler.
When people say that Twitter is a horrible thing, I point out that Chuck Tingle is a thing on Twitter. His tweets honestly just fill me with joy. I love the fact that he write about things pounding other things in the butt in all different ways and does it with an astonishingly beautiful sense of innocent love.
Everything he does outside wrestling is great. But whenever he is in the ring I get bored.
The list is WAY over with me and I am a 39 year old man!
I don't watch PPVs, so I have to ask this here. Did the fact that Jericho was in a shark cage actually matter during Royal Rumble? Did he escape, did the cage fall, was it part of the story of the match, or was it just him dangling in the air for the whole thing?
They may be many things, but the folks at MW are not prescriptivists.
Generally, I think that two weeks is plenty of spoiler time for broadcast TV.
Actually that is quite appropriate, since that is how the Republicans plan to replace the ACA. You can get anything you want for healthcare but "not a doctor"
Pizza. Not frozen yogurt.
Because a film about families being reunited makes perfect sense.