
The proof was a man who was ten years old at the time, and totally has a photographic memory, totally saw it, and the woman was totally groping The Donald.

Hot stuff coming through!

Undecided voters are stupid fuckers. Why are they given any sort of national prominence?

My diagnosis? Bad AV Clubbing.

My only problem with the first time I saw this episode is that I missed some jokes because I was crying at some of the earlier ones. That and the actual physical pain I was in by the end of the credits.

Nothing is worse than when the shitbags on Sky talk over the credits to this episode. NOTHING.

Better story, better guest actors, better jokes, better quotes.

I've said it before, and I will say it again. This is not just the best episode of The Simpsons, it is the best episode of TV ever made.

There really isn't. The Potter Universe is small, insular and deeply fragile. It works because it is a boarding school story with the occasional visit to another location. If you try to expand that, it will collapse under the weight of its own ludicrousness.

He was interviewed on British television and spoke very clearly about how much of a tool Trump was. Other media than Twitter do exist.

He was speaking out against Trump during the Primaries as well.

Melvyn Braggs radio show "Briefly In Our Time"

All women are property of a man. Daughters belong to their fathers.

My home town used to be the home of the International Clown Convention. I never really liked clowns as such, but the atmosphere in the town during those few days a year was great.

America! Carry a deadly weapon, capable of killing dozens of people and that is your Gawd Given Right. Wear a red nose, and get arrested.

I'm going to make a guess here… you are a white straight man. For everyone else, many of the steps forwards towards equality have come about because the federal government told the several states to stop being such insufferable shitbags.

Shut it down!

Trump is doing this because Obama made fun of him at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. He was made to look like a fool in full view of everyone and he was after revenge.

I think that in a few days, Mark Cuban will offer to cover any legal fees arising from someone leaking the videos.