
I am Christian. I follow Jesus. Jesus instructed to love everyone. It's not for me to build a heaven or a hell for someone. Its not for me to judge them or condemn them for their "actions". It's not for me to say who walks in an "open rebellion to God" It's for me to love them.

wouldn't Angel stadium be the best stadium? i mean, it's made of angels...


just won the passion cup!

this may have just trumped WGT as my daily, forget I have a job for two hours, "job"

racists see racism everywhere

how about this. its a fucking golf tournament, so lets talk about golf. not little bobby costas' political agendas.

Maybe its just a Philly problem... Carter and Richards seem to be doing just fine in LA

i see what you did there

How on Earth would Obama get his own day of recognition? He hasn't done anything to deserve one.

I wouldn't exactly call this an "easy" game. Costa Rica are a very talented group. Attacking wise they may be one of the best in CONCACAF, and we have a very inexperienced back line, paired with Guzan who is a real good keeper, but has ZERO time playing with the inexperienced back line...

Can't wait for the epic final battle, even though its the sweet 16 between JC and hell. Talk about game of the ages! (amirite)

Doan is a good player, but a total punk also. PHX deserves all they ridicule they get. They have some pretty dirty players that like to moan when they get it back in return.

Dear Drew,

props the the camera man for calling it. something amazing indeed

like i said THAT stuff is out of their hands, unless they want to mix it up with the players union, which I think they want to avoid at all times

no one is disagreeing with you, but since the police caught him and not the MLB via a drug policy its up to the indiviual club to hand down a suspension. If it continued to persist then perhaps MLB would step in, BUT be cause he is on the 40 man roster the MLB would have to get into a pissing contest with the players

right. but they don't even understand the distinction of the 40 man roster so I why bother anymore

Hi retard, learn to read. the 40 man doesnt get tested for weed. This kid was a minor leaguer and not on the Astros 40 man roster. Try again.

I know, I was a minor leaguer