Don Dz

I grew up in the time of mandatory eating what is in front of you. While I don’t advocate to teach or allow our kids to be wasteful, there are at least two reasons why I would not advocate this too strongly, beyond eating your veggies:

In a sense, yes, look at Jack Lalane, died at 96 of Pneumonia while still going strong, died of stubbornness for refusing to see a doctor till the last second as I understand it.

I have never been into sports or going to the gym all my life, so I guess you could call me sedentary. However, I have always been an utilitarian exerciser, that is, walking and bicycling for transportation, so in that sense the article makes perfect sense to me, that is, I used to walk and use my bike all day long

Sounds like a college I attended once in Philadelphia. I suspect there are some cultural environments where this is more prevalent, as some kind of “moral” value. While bragging is not nice, if you think you can handle something, go ahead, I say.

Actually, I have seen regular fingered gloves with a flip top on each finger! They appeared to be intended for hunters and outdoor sports types, they were made of super thick wool. I almost bought a pair, but I was satisfied with my somewhat thinner wool fingerless gloves. I may get them this year if I see them again,

Not sure why the negative replies to this idea. I got two pairs of fingerless gloves, one made of leather, the other wool, the wool one is better by far. There is no substitute when you find yourself playing a musical instrument in cold weather (or typing, or anything requiring free fingers). As long as your fingers

I usually find looking people in the eye very distracting, so I normally look away, but I realize this can be interpreted to mean I am not interested in being bothered with the person, so I try to force myself to look at their face, which causes me to automatically look down while talking and forming my thoughts,

I don’t know your background, but smiling and sometimes laughing is standard cultural behavior among many Hispanics (and some other cultures) when feeling uncomfortable or out of place, unfortunately in the USA this is often interpreted as disrespect and contempt, with the resulting bad situation.

Yeah, a woman that does all those things is just very “friendly”, right?

If you feel too aggravated by how you play, your audience will notice, so it’s best to not listen too much to your own playing while performing, but simply focus on doing your best and have fun. This is a bit of a struggle for me, I am told sometimes I look like I am performing brain surgery rather than music.

Compliments are often given by people who give them all the time, meaning habitual flatterers. Meaning, habitual liers.


I don’t what is best, but this year I started using a water flosser for the first time, now I floss daily, sometimes twice daily, and my mouth feels cleaner, breath smells better. But I have not confirmed whether that keeps the dentist away just yet.

“ . . . . or pretending to be okay with something that secretly drives us nuts. “

That’s true, but in some parts of the world, being white and looking and acting like an american tourist makes you a target. When I say looking, I am referring in particular to issues of modesty, particularly in a conservative country.

1. Get a passport card, the type for land travel, and carry that (but ONLY if required in the country you are travelling), NEVER carry your regular passport anywhere other than the airport, it is your lifeline while travelling, treat it that way.

3. Smile a lot, but only when approaching people or asking for something, otherwise avoid smiling, frowning a lot or wearing a disgusted look (or whatever face of yours which repels others, ask a close friend, a smile might actually do it) might be a better idea under some circumstances, whether male or female.

That’s why I said “seem” eager, only from the other person’s often misguided perception, that is. Some people have told me that I seem a bit unfriendly or distant sometimes, when I am simply lost in thought. Observing my children has given me some insight into the odd/unpleasant way some people act around me, which

Long ago I gave my daughter some advice concerning that very type of thing. People tend to reject people who seem overtly eager, even desperate. When you approach people, it is important to be very relaxed, which is why I tend to avoid people when I am feeling stressed out, they can pickup on your internal vibes.

Hmm, an article that doesn’t mention plain water as an alternative to coffee, seem woefully incomplete, particularly concerning the issue of gaining some energy and waking up. Plus it doesn’t give you a headache, in fact I get rid of headaches with water.