For me that’s a bit of 70’s nostalgia, when I bought my first one, though mine was a Dymo. :-)
For me that’s a bit of 70’s nostalgia, when I bought my first one, though mine was a Dymo. :-)
Funny, this was posted today, but I found it yesterday and tried to install it. Failed multiple times. Then I tried crazy stuff, like copying the ehome folder from a Windows 7 installation to the partially created ehome in Windows 10. No dice. Then I tried each batch file and exe file under the bin directory of the…
This article made me realize something important about myself I had not considered well enough: I don’t miss the 70’s simply because it was the best time of my life, as much as it was the time I was the most hopeful about the future. So then the bright outlook the whole time was the future, not the 70’s, though being…
You are right that focusing on negativity and/or negative people is itself negative, but anyone who is noticeably better than their peers and is not careful to hide the fact, will have haters. I have even seen youtube videos trying to put some kind of guilt trip on the talented individual for exposing their talent for…
I have long used step on trash cans for convenience, they indirectly have vacuum release built in because of the pedal construction. Surprised no one else mentioned this. Never had a bug problem with them.
Avast for windows detected malware at the jailbreak link above and refused to open it.
It is called believing in your own products. The vp of Moleskine uses their own products (even though they don’t seem to care about fountain pen users), as mentioned in a lifehacker interview. You can get good work done with just about any product, so why not your own product.
Amazon Pantry seems ok, but Amazon Grocery and Amazon Fresh is more of what I need, and for sure the latter one is not available in my state. Prices don’t seem lower than Sam’s, and Amazon Pantry doesn’t seem to carry some of the brands I prefer.
It was worth it at $45, then it started going up and up. Even with sharing, not worth it to me at current prices (nothing to buy from them every single week).
The obvious questions:
Am I the only one who feels this article is a tad, unbalanced? I do feel that drinking water helps with losing weight and detoxification, etc, though it isn’t a magic bullet. It is not an either or proposition, people!
It is real. For me it was an 18 year absence followed by personal crisis that led me to a short pilgrimage back home for a year. But since most of my friends from the old days had emigrated, and home was so radically different, ultimately it felt like home was more a point in time, than a place. That place was simply…
I don’t like the “no big deal” response, much less the laughing at the fall. I prefer the old fashioned “kiss the bubu, all better” approach. That way you show both that you care, but that it is not a life or death situation.
I got Chrome 42.0.2311.90 m on Windows 7. Doing this simply disables the bookmark manager entirely, it doesn’t restore the old one for me.
Actually, if the line disappears, that means it works, at least that’s what I found with SrIron browser, I tested it with some video sites, and it works in spite of the disappearing line.
Works on Chromium browsers like srIron. Doesn’t work on Chrome Version 42.0.2311.90 m, at least not for me. I disabled all extensions, no dice, will not retain the change.
My first reaction in most cases is to delay a response, for two simple reasons:
Staples also has in store pick up, and for those who don't know, online prices at Staples (and Walmart) are usually cheaper than local prices.
I read the comments and the article. I am surprised no one mentioned something simple: eat an early, light supper, no later than 6pm. Better yet, don't eat supper at all, and don't eat lunch later than 2pm, and don't skip breakfast. This is what I do, losing steadily so far (30 pounds and counting).
I follow a similar diet, except I only eat breakfast and lunch, no supper (and no eating in between meals, at 5 hour intervals, no food after 2pm or so). Have lost about 30 pounds so far, feeling better than in years, hope to lose more. It makes sleeping at night much better also.