Dom Shakal

This pretty much nails it. Feels like two different shows within the same season: one good (first 6), one much less good (last 7).

That's logical, yes. But this is TWD so logic doesn't necessarily qualify. But I see from other comments that a different actor is playing Negan, so I guess not. Unless . . .

Anyone else think that Jesus is actually Neegan? I thought this as soon as Jesus was introduced, but now we've learned that Neegan's group is called The Saviors? Christ, c'mon.

"Another thing that nagged at me a bit was that much of this felt like it was written as a direct response to critics of last season. Remember all the people whining that neither Rust nor Marty died at the end? Boom, all the male leads are killed. And the even more people whining about no strong female characters?