
Steak-ums is waaaaay above a hotdog, IJS!

I’m here for it, but just gonna pretend like the TSwift track doesn’t exist

“...enough personality to fill a Megabus” is the low-key shadiest thing I have heard in a minute! BRILLIANT!!! 

2. Food Poisoning

I can only imagine the pain you must be going through. You are brave for writing this article. You are lucky to have other family members to lean on. Peace.

All phones eventually start to suck. I loved each of the 5 iPhones I had between the iPhone2 and the 6, but eventually, they started to slow down and have errors. Last year I switched to the Samsung Galaxy S7, which also sucked, but for half the price so #winning? This year, I upgraded to the S8 and this phone is


Don’t feel bad, I made the same face. If he is not a homosexual, then he has an unfortunate case of geigh-face and geigh-voice.

I am on the fence as to whether Cersei is lying. If she is, and Jaime finds out, that will be the moment when he dies. Cersei will call Franken-Mountain to come protect her and Jaime will get killed in the process. I think it’s more likely that she IS pregnant through some dark magic Qyburn used, but she will miscarry.

I attended an HBCU, Florida A&M University. While I will always cherish the people I met, and the education I received, I will never forget the best lesson I ever learned: TRUST NO BITCH. I came to FAMU in 1989, having had parents and close family members who had all attended HBCUs, and expecting the life I saw

“A bacchanalia of fuck paucity.”

I missed my 10- and 20- year reunions and was finally brow beaten into going to my 25th. There were 675 people in my graduating class so I already knew I wasn’t going to know most of people. Plus I was a senior class officer so everyone knew who I was, but I was like, “...and you are...?” I will say that people get

Agreed! Okra is TURRIBLE!

Luchini takes me back to the School of Architecture at Florida A&M University at 2am #memories