
This. Of course they’d have to fix that godawful map first.

Split screen or die!

It’s probably plagiarism in the end, but it’s worth noting that “fast, fluid, and responsive,” and talking about how “rewarding” or “gratifying” an experience happens to be, are core cliches of modern games criticism.

It’s true that those are core cliches, but as a sometime writer, this many coincidences across one piece is simply not possible. It’s a giant red flag for plagiarism. It’s not just word choice, it’s sentence structure, order of topics covered, time spent on each area. If you take the original review, then change words

It’s plagiarism.

There are a lot of similarities. My guess is that their writer (or one of their writers) for the video was in a crunch and wasn’t going to have it done in time. He or she decided to look up another video review that few people would see and use it as a template and changed up what they could. Its possible this writer

I think to avoid losing potential customers, they could just submit a simple app to the Play Store that contains a link to their own external download.

We’ve been conditioned forever into not installing apps from outside sources for security reasons. Good luck to Epic in getting people to allow them now. 

I get why Epic does this but...they are already making more money than they know what to do with. Is 30% really that bad? Every distribution platform takes some cut unless its run by the developer/publisher of the game.

I am garbage at Fortnite though, so it’s not really something that bothers me.

“Such visitors are drawn to the website by the widespread availability of free, unauthorized copies of Nintendo’s video games and other highly valuable intellectual property.”

I stand by GMG and will boycott every Kinja affiliate link for Amazon.

Yep confirmed....Shroud got banned for a month.

Really? I mean, more power to them for keeping people engaged in the game but this is not good storytelling. It's not even a coherent narrative.

If you think that this is “classic victim blaming” then you don’t really understand the concept of victim blaming.

I think that quoted paragraph above proves that his overall personality isnt more fun-loving than assholeish. I’m not on a witch-hunt for him or anything, but there’s a difference between being kind of an asshole to your friends in a friendly way and just making blatant arrogant statements like that. He did a bunch

A great character. Is he? I’m already sick of the new movement of ‘characters’ on twitch and youtube. Gives me douche chills. You got this guy, and the GTA police guy. It’d be one thing if I had never heard of them, as it should be, but sadly people seem to dig it, and then I gotta get the videos messaged to me.

> He should have ONLY gotten the ban if his teammates actually reported him. Friends do stupid stuff all the time in multiplayer games.

They also f’ed up the DLC on PS4. If you get the update, it uninstalls the download tokens for all the other DLC packs, requiring you go back out and find them on the PS Store and redownload them.

Interesting. So it’s not like you recognize other people’s experiences as being similar your own (in their other-personness) but more like your own past experiences are more like someone else’s so you are less able to use them to establish stronger similarities between yourself and others.

A bit late for a response, but I seem to have something incredibly similar to the things described in this article. To answer your question from my experiences, I seem to actually lack empathy in some situations, and I seem to also lack sympathy in many situations. It’s good in a way that I stay calm in troubling