
If your employer openly advertises that it’s going to work you harder, it should probably pay you higher wages.

He *was* reaching out through his streams and nobody cared enough to take it seriously! I was saying it was a cry for help while others were attacking him over it. “Oh, he just wants attention... Fuck him!” Yeah, wanted attention because he wanted somebody to save him from his troubles!

“Sadly, I get the feeling a .45 would have been a more useful tool”

I wonder how many people still use steam reviews for big games. I’ve always been wary of them and they’ve gotten a lot less accurate over the years, at least for big releases. You usually have to sift through a lot of one sentence, off-topic, or biased reviews to get to a handful of good examinations. I still prefer

“Theoretically, some reviews that are just messages of support for Notre-Dame could be considered “off-topic” by Valve’s new anti-review bomb standards, but I have hunch they’ll be given a pass in this case.”

Well, that’s what I said isn’t it - it’s bonkers! :D

Stephen, has anyone written on Elder Scrolls Blades Beta releasing last night? I was able to download it and kill 1 thalmor and sign into my Betheseda account and then a message says thanks for playing, have your phone settings set to notifications so the next phase of the Beta will be notified to you for Blades. Is

Hell, it’s almost as if this current cultural event inspired me to write about things that have been lingering in my mind since at least 2015. 

Now playing

Take Two are a bunch of big greedy snobs. GTA online has some of the worst grinding and microtransactions this side of f2p mobile games. Is it so wrong that he wants to help posts circumvent that shitiness? Yes sure maybe he shouldn’t have charged for his program, but whatever. He complied with their request to take

I get where you’re coming from, but they’re are several reasons why that’s not a good idea.

Kevin Hart will be fine. I’m fairly certain the majority of his audience (the people who go see his movies, stream his specials, and otherwise consume his work) aren’t going to be very rattled by any of the ostensibly bad things he’s done or said thus far. I have never gone to see a movie because Kevin Hart is in it,

Insulting remarks made on the basis of race, sex, gender, and sexual orientation are obviously wrong, and Hart’s attempts at jokes regarding orientation weren’t funny (and if you’re going to make potentially offensive jokes they BETTER be funny), but this trend where progressives on the internet immediately start

LOL I suppose you think its murder when they kill this person’s avatar too right? 

If you’re talking about the UK’s Computer Misuse Act (which other places like Canada have picked up) I’m not sure it really covers this.

And yet the only thing you’ve really accomplished with this article is driving even more traffic and subscribers to his channel, ironically enough the very same subject of your not so subtle jabs at Felix and his fans. Hope the clicks and circlejerk were worth it at least lol

I’m glad some folks are enjoying this game; everyone has their somewhere they want to be, and that somewhere doesn’t work for other folks—and that’s fine. I enjoy a great many things others think are a waste of time.

This whole kerfuffle, though, comes off as one giant kettle of “we coasted way too hard on a

imo ninja is the biggest fucking douchebag on youtube glad people are retaliating amd speaking up ive seen amd heard about aome of the bullshit this fake ass wanna be pulls FUCK HIM

Dude. The rich white dude who plays video games for a living is “under more pressure than many?” Because he continues to do the thing that made him rich and subsequently eats shit for it online sometimes because he’s an unrepentant asshole? Really???? They don’t make violins small enough for that, my dude.

I wish there was a salary cap for entertainers. Someone like Ninja doesn’t need millions of dollars. All this money, all this flexing, being placed on a pedestal. It just breeds toxic assholes. Just look at all the top streamers on YouTube and Twitch. These group of people are the most toxic bunch of asshats and they

I tend to doubt they’re making that connection. They like him for the same reason people liked Pewdiepie. He is loud, and boisterous, and “fun”, which is really all people seem to look for when it comes to youtube/ twitch personalities.