
No one pays attention to them, though, BECAUSE of shit like this. Maybe now they’ll actually MEAN something.

Hurt them? Oh poor Ninja, making crazy amounts of money for playing games must be soooo hard! /s. Fuck this.

For the millions of dollars he most likely makes? Come on, wake up to the reality of the situation. This guy gets an exorbitant amount of money for doing something most people do for RELAXATION. Give me a fucking break.

Is the game going to play the same or are they making it similar to the newest game? I don’t get the crazy hype for an ancient third person survival horror with fixed camera angles and paint thrown over it.

All they had to do was show alternate trailers or a gameplay demo of a couple games. It really isn’t that hard, they just got lazy and fucked up. If I was an investor, I wouldn’t be too thrilled.

I don’t get why they didn’t show a different trailer than the one on Xbox, or at least do a live gameplay demo on stage. This was just laziness.

Nahh man, that’s too long.

MS definitely won this e3 though...

Why would FROM Software make their next souls like game in a samurai setting? We already have Nioh. Im not hyped for Sekiro at all...

Xbox needs a big game, and they need it now. If I had a One, I would have put it in storage for the past however long and wouldn’t have missed a damn thing.

This is insane. At least give us a good way to weed out the SHIT that already floods the store. I want to sort new releases by company size and AAA vs Indie PLEASE!

I think the SAO Fatal Bullet game is great!

Yeah, who wants to play a game like Ark all the time unless you have like 10 friends playing with you or are a big name streamer? Fuck this

Ark is like the last possible game Id choose to play. I’m gonna pass, unless they make it fun to just pick up and play. I don’t want to start and have to learn 100 different systems or just be left to suffer. Not my kind of game, and survival games should just die already.

I want Steam to make it so you can sort new/recent releases by AAA devs only. Sorry indie people, but I’m sick of not being able to find games because you flood the market with complete trash.

Russian? Would make sense...

That would be awful. No remasters please, and I hope that vaultboy isn’t an amiibo...

Ugh I hope that’s not an amiibo!

No more FUCKING REMASTERS. If it’s F4 on a new console, or “upgraded” you can fucking keep it and shove it up your ass Bethesda.

Fuck both of them. Examples of how not to be a respected company.