
first one was flat out great… exciting and emotional… second one was fun but exhausting and too much wrath of khan and 9/11… this one i think is gonna be pretty awesome (more actionny more quirky humor and more subtle)… just do something new…

woody doing a scifi action pic would actually be awesome… the best part of an allen pic is you dont know if you're gonna get… an amazing pic like blue jasmine (as an aside it made 100 million worldwide) a charming comedy like midnight in paris (150 million) a twisty thriller match point (86 million) or a weak ok

then as Ahnold says in numerous movies including the 80s classic predator… "Do it! Do it Now!"

i've nagged 3 friends into watching this show and they've all gotten hooked… would be great if they brought back chatlie sheen as a sub teacher at the school in one of ericas's classes.. and he's the same character.. would love to see him butt heads with beverly

yawn to you

i know spocks brain is stupid but its still kinda fun… better than all the voyagers

i cant wait to read it… but then some nerds are gonna make it in their garage and fans online will love it… they will hate the new trek because many annoying trek fans hate new trek and only like old trek until new trek becomes old trek then they are fine with it

i really wanna see how bad or how in the wrong direction orci's script was… and if bad robot got jung then maybe it was robot and not paramount who booted orci… either way happy pegg is doing it and lin combo is gonna be super fun and super trekky

i usually skip comedy pilots… as i did with goldbergs… like to jump in later when i know the tone and voice is more clear. goonies was the first one i saw and that got me hooked. then i backtracked. i'd suggest family takes care of beverly… the back and forth between bev and adam is hysterical

omg relax… does everything online have to be a fight? lol… i wasnt saying you as in you… was saying you as in general everyone you… but if you (you) want to judge and do whatever fine… i was just saying pilots (comedy pilots actually) sometimes dont represent the show that follows it. ive worked on 2 of them at

you can't judge all shows on the pilot… pilots are very tough… it's worked on over and over again for a long time and they are trying to get too much done so they get picked up. the actors don't know the characters yet. the writers don't either. in fact i dont know wht networks show pilots half the time…

do you (or whoever reviews these things) have to repeat the same mantra "modern family isnt what it used to be" bullshit every review?

written by david mirkin… of deep space homer fame… and former showrunner… can't believe you think he doesn't give a damn… wow… you have some arrogance

goldbergs was hysterical. the back and forth between bev and adam about her moving in one day was awesome. and did you notice no one even questioned where murray was gonna be when bev would be looking for a place to live in her old age. they all assumed he'll be dead.

this season has been amazing… i dont understand you people…

i like that description… an amusing show… it was a strange one too constantly changing and adding and subtracting… seasons 3 and 4 were the best… jeremy piven and the book group and audry playing a bigger part… the changing opening credits… the tags at the end… ron pallilo TVs horshack… there was a lot of

reviews here suck. that was awesome. the fact that cam set that whole thing up was hysterical. did not see that coming. the look on his face… perfect. and the way phil used his shampooing expertise to get people to spill their feelings. perfect. this is easily the best season since the first one.

the positive review whines about the show and then the first 4 comments are negative. internet… you win. go eff yourself

it's been a great season as usual… people get used to things and take for granted… plus it's no longer special since it's in year 5 people love to whine… most eps this season have been really good or great… a few just ok… but that's what most shows are like… you can't hit a home run every week… i dont get the

im pretty sure he had a small scene with miss piggy… he was her dance partner and had to catch her…