
For $50k, I would straight up be Dominatrix, The Bounty Hunter and drag his ass back to justice. No lie. I need LEADS, people! *cracks her whip*


Yeah, but they’re banking on the fact that if you have “Royal Household” on your cv, you could work in any fancy shmancy household in the world, and they'd have you just for bragging rights. Stay a year or two, and move on up.

Ellie. You're above this. Why?

“As you may have noticed, women usually don’t go around actively approaching men in public places or even in bars or clubs. Women know that it is the man’s role to be confident enough to walk over..." No, I can't continue. We're scared of ending up in pieces in bins all over the city. We're afraid that saying "no"

This is the most patronizing article I’ve read, this week. I ABHOR when someone waves their hand in front of my face. No. I have to go to my happy place now. It’s a place of leather and latex, and where men wear electric dog collars. But not on their necks. I’ll be there if you need me, you guys.

And it probably didn't take me that long.

I was completely prepared to be like, “FUCK YOU!” because my mom has been a landlord there for over 30 years, and she’s great. She’ll lower the rent as far as she can, in order to keep a good tenant. If there’s a problem with anything in the building, she gets it fixed, asap. Tenants are like her family, and it drives

Did anyone else read that rubbish article written by his "ex" (read: a girl who dated him for 6 weeks and now cashes in on that fact)? I'm expecting an equally crap follow up piece, now.

The 70's and 80's are so decent for this type of weird fiction (?!?!?!). Or, like, anything by Heinlein.

Literally, he could have paid a professional Dominatrix like me, and nobody would have to know. That's 80% of our pay: discretion. He's an idiot and he deserved to get caught, but I feel badly for his wife and son.

I know I’m probably.... whatever.... I wish I could see more women in athletic, assertive poses. Like, it would be great to see a pregnant woman looking directly at a camera like, “I was twice as kick ass as you, before. When I'm pregnant, I am THREE TIMES THE AWESOME." But I'm going through a violently-feminist

I know I’m tardy to the party, but can this be our thread where we talk about how we got out of jury duty? Like, one time, I was excused because I called the defense attorney, “sleazy.” Though, in my defense, he wore a suit so shiny, it could be seen from space. He looked like a reject from a mob movie. And I had to

Assuming EVERYTHING he said is correct, right? He reduced homicide (especially among minority groups?) by 75%, right? Great. That doesn’t give you license to then kill, let’s say, 30 people, for no reason. It doesn’t give you license to kill ONE person, for no reason. You can have family that are/were cops, and STILL

At least 4 years ago, the whining about it “not being what it used to be!” began, and my intense, INTENSE, eye rolls started. I’m going to have to listen to my friends complaining about the commercialization, now.

You know what they *could* have done? How about a piece on the role of fathers and the betrayal of leaving your child with his OTHER PARENT, whose general disregard for the child’s welfare is enabled by our culture. Why would he have felt so empowered to send a sext WITH A PHOTO OF HIS SON in it? It’s not all men, and

You know what did it? It was seeing her baby in those photos. I stayed in an abusive marriage for YEARS until my ex turned off his phone and went to sleep in our apartment, while I was in early labour on our second child. Funnily enough, I didn’t care as much that he had been so neglectful toward me, but I could have

I am so here for this being the new Gawker. HERE. FOR. IT.

Why would you throw fruit at someone? That’s FOOD, you asshole, and someone is going to have to clean it up. Also, how can he possibly be Republican? On a serious note, how can you unite yourself with a platform that opposes Gay Marriage impacting on the health of “traditional hetero-lovin” when you LITERALLY WHORE

You know, we're literally 1% of the global population. Like, can people just fuck off and leave us alone? Pieces like this are EXHAUSTING because I have to figure out which particular brand of anti-Semitism he's ascribed to; am I cheap? Do I drink the blood of Christian kids? WHAT? WHAT NOW, YOU SCHMUCK?!