Thank you for this.
Thank you for this.
I hella LOL'd at the "Joke's on you, I don't have a journalism degree!" I love a good comeback. Hat's off!
If by "Gypsies," you mean Travelers, I live near a load of Irish Travelers. But here, we use the term "knacker." If you mean Romanian beggers, we have those, too.... but I don't think anyone actually calls them "Gypsies." I mean, if you're gonna get pissed off with a minority group, I guess the lesson here is, really…
As a Jew, this whole thing is fascinating to me, particularly how refugees are often demonized. My great grandmother was refused entry at Ellis Island. She swam. Any one of my grand aunts or uncles could have been bodies in the water. It's terrifying.
I'm not saying torrent options aren't available, but some people are... and those people could probably google it and see it, without the creator of said movie getting any financial support.
Apropos of nothing, but he's so shinyyyyyy. Like plastic. It's mesmerizing me.
Perfectly happy to possibly not be the target audience for this. I’ll probably watch it on Netflix; I don’t generally enjoy slower, contemplative films. But I applaud what it seems to do for humanizing a group that currently faces a barrage of constantly dehumanizing images and events.
I’m sorry, but there’s just not anything left for Trump to do that would shock me. You could have put up here that this man was a former priest and child molester who had two families and now runs his own shady business in money laundering, and I would think, “but of course he does.”
My half sister accused my father of abuse. I don't believe her (for a variety of reasons), but my father was TORN UP by it. He never brushed it aside, he went to therapy and it took years for him to come to terms with the fact that he wasn't even in the same state as her when she said he abused her. That he DIDN'T do…
More, please. Maybe use an example? I realize I'm being a bit thick but I really want to better understand this!
As an extremely pale person, what if I wore something to the beach to protect my skin? How would they know? What if I like 1940's style (I do) and I want to wear a scarf to cover my hair at the beach, because I hate nature touching me? And seriously, how can you be ok with what you're doing if you're making a woman…
Their argument boils down to, "what we want is more important than the rights or needs of the fetus-gestation-unit." Are we really surprised? I know I'm not.
I can't believe no one considered this. Is this the first time they're seeing all their bags together??
Easy peasy solution: My son kept getting lice at crèche. We have curly hair and his is particularly coarse, so I was displeased. Insert child into bath. Bring laptop or other entertainment system within eye shot of bath. Put on favourite film. Dollop coconut oil onto child's hair, and comb through, pulling out lice…
Side note: when we thought it was possible that my second pregnancy was ectopic, the clinic asked me with which faith I identified. I told them I was Jewish, and if this was ectopic I wouldn’t be having the nonsense about “Jesus doesn’t like abortions!” The doctor looked me in the eye and said, and I’m not joking,…
This weirdly feels like it mirrors the lack of businesses marketing to gay marriage (stay with me...). It feels like everyone acknowledges there’s a market. And if we’re being honest, it’s a tremendous and likely very lucrative market in the case of the makeup, at least. So... what’s the hold up? I’ll tell you what,…
I threw out my back on Saturday, and I have a client who loves nothing more than full, aggressive, abuse tomorrow night. I can't even lift a flogger. UGH!!!!
Ok, cool. Because you can't get fired here for being pregnant, and we passed gay marriage, by POPULAR VOTE. I don't know where you're from, but I'm guessing that this "joke" is a shit ton better than whatever rock you just crawled out from under.
Being hurt is not a reason to be given room to slut shame and hurt others. I agree to handle her with care, but she can’t just say, “porn is bad, and all SWs are being abused!" I'm not abused, and I don't really care who she is; she doesn't get to misrepresent me or my experiences.