In my experience, it feels like the women tend to be more aggressive about this sort of “keeping in line” business than men.
In my experience, it feels like the women tend to be more aggressive about this sort of “keeping in line” business than men.
For €250/2 hours, you can do almost anything you like with my clothes on. My hard limits include pork, ham, or bacon. Otherwise, work away!
I love BDSM lit! Do you cite sources? I wanna read ‘em!!!
Counter-point: at least I know there will be one super good dish there, and not just a massive disappointment when the host brings out pork or ham or something equally unkosher. I’m covered; the rest of y’all bitches can starve.
Things like this always confuse me. You can’t see the nipple, if indeed that is the problem, because the baby’s face is ON IT. All you can see is the head, and the a bit of the mother’s decolletage. Would they stop someone from eating a sandwich? They do know that there are REAL issues in the world, right? It’s not…
I did. What I got funded my move to Europe and helped me start up my business as a professional dominatrix. But the taxes will kill you on it! Honestly, I sued on principle; you don’t get rich, even when they admit they’re at fault.
WAIT, WHAT?! Sorry, I realise I am HELLA tardy to the party here, but is Jez shuttering?? WHY?! I NEED DETAILS, STAT!!!
Is it “sexual harassment” if you’ve been fired for being pregnant? I still can’t let go of that, and it was 5 years ago. Like, CAN.NOT. I was running a DEPARTMENT. Sorry. I’m venting on your post. Anyway, until we get this all sorted, I find that beating people for money is a decent form of therapy. Just a suggestion,…
Ah now. Poor thing lost his dad, and that's hard stuff. I wouldn't mind having that money, but I'd rather keep my mom if that's what it took.
Ok, thanks!
I.... oh. Not that size is indicative of skill, but colour me somewhat.... underwhelmed. Maybe he's a grower.
You know what you do when you have attraction to someone you shouldn't? Lube, vibe, and some good reading material. She's sacrificing her younger kids for something SHE DOES KNOW IS WRONG. DEEP DOWN. GSA doesn't mean you get to ACT ON IT.
Off topic, but was anything ever done about the water there? Is it still super high with lead??
I don’t like either. That being said, a vote for Trump is a vote to send what’s left of one of the greatest countries on earth, directly into a financial and cultural black hole from which it might never return. I can't even believe this is still happening. It's like a nightmare.
I would actually be more concerned that some people would view her as a cult idol. If she has that kind of violence in her, and with the power she might be able to wield after getting out, I wouldn’t want her near kids or teens, either. Like it or lump it, they planned these murders, and she actively engaged in them.…
It’s not just dominance they would lose. We raise a society of boys who assume someone will take care of them. That old statistic of men living 10-15 years longer with a wife, or whatever? Of course they would; women are the ones who enable socializing, make sure their partners go to a doctor or dentist, etc. But…
My ex-husband can't pay his bills.... but that has nothing to with Obama. He's just a worthless deadbeat.
It's Friday.
I’m starting to feel like all of these Grade C actors are using this election as an opportunity to get their names in the papers again. Christie. Stacey. Chachie, or whatever. I haven’t seen them in 10 years (at least), so I don’t care about their opinions. But I also SUPER, EXTRA don’t care, because their opinions…
My initial reaction was "no. Just no." But having read her statement, I think she must be a tremendously beautiful woman. The strength and perspective it takes... I'm so sorry for the loss of her baby, but she seems like a tremendously strong woman.