This post feels like it's quickly turning into food porn....
This post feels like it's quickly turning into food porn....
What do you do if you're a kosher, Jewish lesbian?......asking for a friend.
OMG I'm so hungry right now.
*Slow clap.* Well said, my friend. Well said.
Do you.... actually know anything about her? About what she did to her family? Because to be honest, the cover is boring but the book is a raging psycho bitch. Also, I assume that little dig, "people whose prime focus is interesting *looks* are usually the least interesting people there are" does not include Martha…
Having grown up in New York, I don’t recall anyone other than snobbish people with more money than actual sense dressing like this. Sure, you can absolutely wear clothes devoid of any personality (see: Martha’s above photo), and that will be perfectly acceptable because she is essentially a product and markets herself…
Yes, but looks at what she's doing to them! That outfit is like mayo: nothing to it, perfectly bland, and generally acceptable to the lowest common denominator. Like, I can't with her. I know her thing isn't fashion, but she's just so.... BLAH. OMG. Put on something interested. BE INTERESTING. I BEG OF YOU
This story just gets worse and worse.
Look, I get if you're someone like Blake and Ryan, and you're wealthy and whatnot, but cash-wise, you may not be billionaires. I get it. Fine. But when you're Madonna, who has almost as much money as G-D, and you fucking go to Africa when you could have spent the same money on something like SHOES OR BOOKS FOR KIDS IN…
Where did you hide the cameras in my house??
It’s hard to look inward and see where you biases are. I think (HOPE!) when he reads comments like yours and BGN's, where people are excited about the character but can still see room for growth, that maybe it'll be the mirror to reflect exactly what he needs to see.
I’m a single mother with a deadbeat ex, and two kids. I've made six figures at 29, and I've been deeply, DEEPLY in debt. Once you get down into that hole, the world feels like it does everything it can to keep you in there. I'm still struggling.
And this is why I love my son’s school (so far). We have several kids with different bodies in his class. One little boy has a form of dwarfism, and Ireland puts a great deal of effort into integrating people with Downs into every day life. I think you're right; the fear goes hand in hand with lack of exposure. Or the…
Why have a gun, when you can have an AK 47? Everyone wants something even MORE bad-ass. That’s the type of knife that I would trust to a trained user, but will probably show up on the streets in a year or less.
Can I just.... not to be THIS person, but if the whole point of this is so that he can pull off a James Bond, then he might want to work out a bit. He looks fine, but not JAMES BOND fine. And I get that this is his personal time and he can do and eat and whatever the way he wants, but it seems like they're putting in…
He looks like he's got a hickey. I don't mean to make light of hate crimes, but... it looks more like an intense debate and some necking, rather than any kind of assault.
Ok, 3 guys, one victim. I'm assuming that it wasn't a slap-fight, which means that if he WAS attacked, I would think that the hospital would be able to tell. Wouldn't he have bruises on his ribs, or other places he can't reach on his own? His face aside, he should be covered in marks from hands or shoes, right? That…
I’m naming my next orgy, “comfort box.” I’ll send out invites: “On Friday evening, you're welcome to attend to my comfort box." Yes, yes, this will do nicely.
I hate to be the one focused on looks, but Teresa's head just looks SO damn big for her body. A bit like a lollipop.
Ah now. You can find a "self-hating"- anything.