
I was in the US recently and I saw an interview with her on Fox News, where she called celebrity anti-gun activities hypocrites, because their security detail are armed. I was faux-shocked that no one brought up the fact that these security folks tend to be trained individuals, not a bunch of randos with AK's from

Look, old girl was one convention away from coming up with her persona name and roaming free on the range. She doesn’t have to be salty with me, just because I pointed it out. I liked XOJane, and I literally logged in one day and they had removed all my other comments (totally NON-furry comments). I was like, “wow.

There should be no debate. Renew, dammit. HIT RENEW!!!

It was like a grown woman's footie jammies or something. It was just an off-hand comment because the top was like a unicorn or a bear or something. And no shame, it's fine if you like to dress up as a unicorn in your off time. Do you. But she BANNED ME FROM HER SITE. THAT'S HOW INSECURE SHE IS ABOUT IT. Like, DO NOT

I hate how hard I laughed at this.

We've brought the world some of the finest writers, thinkers, and comedians. Unfortunately, not every lump of coal gets to be a diamond. Some are just, uh..... bags of poo.

I got banned from the ENTIRE SITE of XOJane for telling Jane that her plush onesie made her look like a furry. Apparently, that was just pushing the envelope TOO FAR. I like to think that the full staff had a meeting about me and were like, "idk, she's added value and her comments are decen..." then Jane SLAMS her

Is Project Runway the same as America's Next Top Model, or is it more like Drag Race? I don't have enough time for all of this.

You know what? Yes. He's right. Gorgeous, a doctor, and right. My mother would be THRILLED.

I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! When is it back, already?!

The words, “biting off a nose to spite the face” seems appropriate.

So, when the Republican party refers to “Welfare Queens” who milk the system, they mean FLDS, right? That’s who they’re talking about and the image they want to invoke, right? White men and women who abuse the system. Just checking.

They’re called Crypto-Jews, not fucking “secret Jews” like we’ve a goddamn secret handshake or anything. They’re what happens when Jews were slaughtered during events like the Inquisition. You don't have "secret Muslims" wandering around who are just a little nervous to say it out loud. Crypto-Jews were people who

I feel like, if you turned mayo into people, you'd get these two. They're bland, but acceptable. "Inoffensive," is the best I could get, maybe?


She was 5, alone in an apartment building laundry room. My oldest is 4, and I don’t leave him alone in the playroom, which is right next to the kitchen where I dry my socks in the oven, for more than 5 minutes before I get concerned about something exploding or a possible coup d’état. Obviously, the little girl is not

Fucking PROPER ORDER, ladies!! The weekend I found out I was pregnant with my second, I had horrendous pain and they thought it might be ectopic (it wasn’t). VERY first conversation they had with me: Them: “What religion are you?” Me: “Jewish.” Them: “If you need an abortion, you go to XXX Hospital. NOWHERE ELSE.

Ugh, this is tough because I’m a half-bubble parent. I’m.... fizzy? Anyway, a bubble parent is someone who would place their child in a perfectly protective bubble, if they could. So, every kid gets an award for trying, you always protect your kid from each fall, and every kid is a special snowflake. MOSTLY, these

Til it's frozen.

OMG almost peed myself laughing at this.