Poor thing.
Poor thing.
Well. That's...."awful" isn't enough.
It’s not that easy. You can call and call, but based on the location and the number of cops available, they may or may not care. Also, if the abusers are friends with anyone on the force, then it literally takes the media attention on something like this before anything is done. It turns my stomach.
Ah yes, the "it's not as bad when it's MY faith," argument. "All these things, they don't count because I say so." Well played, apologist. Well played.
Liberal Arts major, here. 6 figure salary before I hit 30, ran a department for a 3-letter agency in Washington, DC, and a currently a Professional Dominatrix in Europe. I take my Java Chip Frapp without the cream, thank you.
The ONLY two I can stand.
I perform this role, daily and without pay, for the Starbucks Java Chip Frapps. I can tell you which SBUX in Dublin make the best ones.... I'm in the wrong job.
“She caught your eye like one of those pointy hook latches that used to dangle from screen doors and would fly up whenever you banged the door open again. (R. M., Fairfax Station)“ Presented without comment, for your amusement.
SO glad we got that cleared up!
Not only is this true, but “Passion Plays” were specifically put on in Eastern Europe to rile up the locals, so they would ride through Jewish villages and ghettos, which would distract them from the fact that their ruling classes actually kept THEM in poverty, too. This is why I don’t trust governments. I deeply feel…
We can fix that! It's all in the wind-up, not the shoulder. Common noob mistake. ;)
I'm not at all joking when I say that ever since his Presidential campaign, I feel like someone is blackmailing him. It was such a sudden shift in his policies and approaches. What happened, John? Tell us.
It’s horrible to see when people are thrown off of buildings for being gay. Or rounded up in camps for being of a particular faith. That’s horrible. Let’s not do that. Let’s not lean toward radicalization as a response to fear. Donald Trump hopes that if he tells people how they feel, they'll just agree with him. I…
Buuuuuuuuuut you don’t get ill by the Christian cults that already rape and marry off little girls in Utah? Odd I get ill by reality, and you get ill by selective means. Precious little hypocrite.
Had there been a gun, there would be more than one person dead. Isn’t one enough? Poor babies and husband. I’m sure the Muslims will somehow be blamed for this.
If I close my mouth and try to say prunes, I get HELLA resting bitch face and I love it, and this is how I will look at people from now on. ANGRY BITCH PRUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I live to serve!
I had heard about the vaseline on the teeth and always wondered what that was about! Mystery, solved. Does it taste weird? I feel like it would taste slimey.