Oh thank goodness, this was the biggest issue with FO76...
Oh thank goodness, this was the biggest issue with FO76...
While I get the team is a big fan of multiplayer games....I STILL don’t think this fits.
As a young-ish person (32), I’m all for HD going away honestly.
Ah yes, the classic
I’m all for the lore and implications of this scene, but good grief I already forgot how terrible combat is in KH3.
I love everything about this video.
Currently planning my trip too!
HA, that’s a hell of a typo from me.
...you know Dizzy was made in the UK right? He was a home grown hero from The Oliver Twins and Codemasters, and was a reason to buy the SZ Spectrum.
[le gasp]
“grow up”.
I got screwed by Best Buy a few years back, when they refunded me with a Gift Card. Got home, went to check the balance, and it was firmly zero.
Maybe Shia LaBeouf
Well, clearly they prioritized the big money platform, and didn’t GAF about Game Pass.
I read a report of someone ordering an Apple Watch during the sale and getting a plunger too.
Wow, youtube looking real brave here.
Okay then;
you attack their credibility.