
Save that for your last wish.

"I wanted more with my life than to just serve ice cream cones!"

I was going to suggest the Hand of Glory, but it doesn't generally purport to grant wishes.

Turns out the magic wish box was around during the age of Camelot, and Lancelot wished he could shtup Guinevere, which is how Arthur died…

I mean black blood of the earth.

Nevermind, I misread your "heart" as "heard." Nothing I said wasnt anything you didn't already know.

It's theoretically possible that it's her, yeah.

Yeah. Forged in Fire. And Top Shot when it was still on. Actual competition/reality show with a minimum of editing and behind the scenes fuckery.

It's a real thing now. I can't help but laugh when I see it at the grocery store.

You SAY that, but fail to take into account time dilation from relativistic speeds.

Mr Chips was the name of my school's on campus convenience store.

Now you've got to have Ovation if you want any kind of theatre on TV, and good luck finding that on any package.

"But we have concrete evidence of boats being used, also in the water, in Argentina…"

Of course not, you fool! It was the Aesir! (Except for Loki)

Ok, if that's how they did it, I rescind my possible justification for the whole transformation thing. It's all nonsense.

Eh, you could make the argument that what happened is that the lungfish look is not so much the "final endpoint" for evolution, but just them being adapted for that environment till they are unrecognizably human.

What is blue plus yellow, hmm?

Also, why THOSE villains? Enchantress, sure. Diablo, maybe. Katana, maybe. But Captain Boomerang? Harley? Deadshot? Effectively worthless against Superman.

Oddly enough, a line not sent The Question's way.

Wrong. Aglets are the tips of shoe laces. From the French for "needle." They go through the eyelets, but are not part of them.