
Yeah. Plus whatever biochemical tech labs they may have that would let them reverse engineer it and possibly reproduce it.

They could have stolen it because, like you said, maybe not everyone wants to be a zombie. Or, for that matter, if they're going all in on the zombie separatism thing, having a cure would undercut their need for that.

Calling it now, Justin hooks up with Liv, then explodes in the next episode.

So, thoughts on the "cure" not being quite as perfect as we thought and Blaine coming back rezombified as a defense mechanism?

It occurs to me that maybe they could have told the very large group of zombies they know about about the cure. You can't tell me that a substantial part of the group would be interested in a cure? And that they may have many more resources available.

Whatever you do, don't tell me where you put Iris.

Good. Now they just have to get rid of Simm.

Yeah, they can bypass any defense, and then get shot while they're there. And port people into prisoner of war camps, and then get shot while they're there. Basically any attack they do still carries with it the risk of getting shot, especially given their garbage tactics, and a lack of a real ability to replenish

Though to be fair, that's more or less how it would work out for a lot of people.

If she was adopted by the Danvers, there is that. Or possibly depending on how her cover story was created, she could have gone through the naturalization process independently. But also maybe not. Since apparently the show has a very lax view of things like that, due process, and most other aspects of law anyways.

But not apparently shape shift away a little bit of cosmetic battle damage.

And what was she planning on doing there anyways? They're not exactly going to let her land Air Force One in the city under siege.

Also, Kara possibly was committing voter fraud by voting for her.

I'm not arguing that it's unrealistic for them to invade, I'm arguing that it's unrealistic for them to not be taking any kind of major casualties at all until Cat gives her motivating speech. And with what must be a seriously limited pool of fighters, said casualties would be even more harmful to their effectiveness.

No, but it's still a weakness. One that could have been exploited without anyone even knowing it's there.

I was hoping it was somehow going to be Jeremiah Danvers as Hank Henshaw, so they get that whole "Looks like Superman" meta thing going on.

Still not part of the US, nor are Hippolyta and Zeus/the Greek gods US citizens, not eligible for the Presidency!

Do people from other dimensions count?

Eh. Super Strength isn't of much relevance in a gun battle, laser weapons are offense, don't make you any more bullet proof, and the teleportation is more of a maneuver thing for getting in position, and less for dodging out of the way.

Maybe, like Lois, she's blinded by love.