
She doesn't breath bullets?

Blackened Widow.

She can get it hot enough to vaporize bullets in the time it takes them to get to her. She's pretty much bullet proof against small arms once she lets go.

As part of the update, The Company is trying to raise money on social media to fund their arsonist activities, but the campaign is suspended after the kid starts trending on tumblr and people start withdrawing their donations.

Pay me a million dollars per ice pun, and I will make myself the most hated man on the AV Club and IMDB with a smile on my face. I don't care.

Fiourstarter. Fiverstarter.

That's the nice thing about fire though, once you get it started, it finishes itself! Especially if you can set water ablaze.

No, but it certainly sounds like it's something you'd see in those books.

So was everyone else aware that there was a guy named "Speed Weed" on the crew of Arrow, and I'm just late to the news?

The story itself isn't that scary, but the illustration that came with it in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is horrifying.

For him, I'd say a 6.

I promise you I'm not a psychopath. So that must mean it's you.

For some reason I thought that was Dynomutt. I knew I recognized him, but obviously got the where wrong.

On the subject of Ashi's "outfit." after doing some rewatching of the earlier episodes, I'd like to mention the episode where Jack is infected by Aku, and himself becomes covered in the black evilness. Obviously it's not a perfect correlation, but there's some precedent as well.

It was used in an episode of Donne Loves Jenny apparently.

So now the question is still who is in the armor, but also who would make Caitlin react that way? Because I don't see her being that subservient to a guy who just looks like Barry, if, for example, it's any evil time remnant.

Eh, I think the heart beat and beading they need to do differentiates the from what I consider to be "true" zombies. Which pretty much have to be powered by magic or the physics doesn't work.

Green Hornet did it first.

I don't see how she'd have been able to control him without him already having the machines in him.

It's from a putative Arab fable. Man is in a tent, it's cold, so his camel wants to put its nose in the tent to warm up. Just a nose, so sure. Then the camel wants to put its whole head in. And he's already let it put its nose in, so why not? And so on until the camel is inside the tent and the man is outside it.