Sounds to me like you want a car that attracts men.
Sounds to me like you want a car that attracts men.
It just gets tiring, that's all, especially being that most in Florida are running catless, which makes shit 1000x worse. Combine that with the community, which consists of Monster hats, tank tops and DC shoes, and the "flap dragging" crowd, and you got yourself a Bro car.
Not sure why so many were butthurt when BMW did it. Audi did the same with their sedan...
+1 for the R53
Holy Shit, Ive actually got about 7 tabs open right as I type this, from epic stalkage. Needless to say I was thinking the same.
And even worse with an aftermarket exhaust
Mmm I'm not feeling it. I've heard lots of R32s and theyre all just overly loud. I think the 1.8 sounds better, the I5 sounds better than this could ever dream of
Those cars sound like SUVs without mufflers.
Car engineers. Car engineers EVERYWHERE.
You must be referring to an M5.
Hell, even a decent E46 M3
I would imagine to deter perps from putting sugar in the tank.
I can relate. Had a Volvo 245 that had terminal rust as well. It was a 4 speed too.!