
Is that a BMW? If so, E36?

At least she hasnt totaled it. Knock on wood.

Oooh! Sign me up!

Except for Florida. Fuck Florida.


Atlanta is like that as well, average cruise speed is at least 80

It was a reply to a comment


True, I've seen bumper less 2002s and I never want to see one again

I would LOVE to have one of these.. I always liked these over the E30, and actually I LIKE the US spec bumpers. Gives it character IMO. Welp, time to scan Craigslist

Cool cars. Saw a grey one yesterday. And acording to the forums, they're going for like 60k now, at least for the early V8 Models.

Don't mess with Texas.

Looks like the BMW drive just parked along the curb.

Ahh. Classy

Thought you were talking about the Gulf Coast. Damn I can't wait to leave here..

Only the 02-04 had CVT

Wait, what?!

They made one full car out of three prototypes