“Gay” is also an insult to men because it places them on the same level as women. What could be worse than A Man who acts like a woman?
“Gay” is also an insult to men because it places them on the same level as women. What could be worse than A Man who acts like a woman?
The one horrible prize women win in the fucked up carnival of our society is that being the “weaker” sex, we aren’t subjected to a few of the horrific strains that men are when we’re harassed. We’re told we asked for it, that men can’t control themselves, and all the other crap, but while we may be called lesbians as…
The Fraser story of having a man grope him is so specific, and told with such squirming discomfort and embarrassment, that it’s kind of hard not to believe. It seems to have had a profound effect on someone who was feeling vulnerable, and that’s a hallmark of assault - the kind we have long expected women to just…
“What’s ‘incels’?”
You’re absolutely right. It all comes back to fascism and its glorification of masculine power and violence. These young men have been indoctrinated. That is most certainly not an excuse, by the way, but an explanation.
Mentally ill people are mostly likely to direct violence towards themselves, not others. The mass-shooting pathology is rooted in masculinity and is predicted by domestic violence.
Thank you for pointing this out. I regularly get verbally (or textually) abused when I try to point the same thing out to people. Probably wouldn’t have even needed to “take him to get help”. Just having a support structure, even one friend to stop you when your going towards the deep end is enough for most people.
The director uses the 19 year old as a test (and the crotch kicking scene, arguably): do you find this somewhat clueless but kindhearted girl ridiculous and worthy of mockery? If you don’t, you’re probably a kind and decent human. If you do, you’re a cynic. I found her ridiculous, as did most of the people watching…
T’Challa’s marriage to Storm rubbed a lot of us comic fans the wrong way because it felt too forced.
I love what you said about the young girlfriend. I honestly think the movie kind of champions her because she acts as a foil to McDormand’s. innocent, kind, altruistic. Maybe not the brightest, but someone who has hope. Maybe McDormand’s character was like that her age? McDormand’s character in the scope of the movie…
And let’s not forget that she is also (or really) angry with herself for being so revolting to her daughter in the first place - and that her daughters rape and murder can be interpreted as the sins of the mother being passed around (they both spoke in anger and their angry ‘wish’ came true)
What I’m waiting for is for one of the people who dislike the movie because of Sam Rockwell’s redemption to tell me when exactly his character was redeemed.
The irony is that the film is about the pitfalls of angry people needing to put their anger elsewhere, and how displacing anger onto other people or situations will only reap more anger in re-turn.
God damn, I can’t believe I had to scroll through half a dozen “eh, why are people upset about this” responses to get to your one feeling human being response. Thank you for showing up.
Because desecrating animal corpses is fucking gross and disturbing? Kids are watching this shit. I did a lot of weird shit as a kid, but watching assholes like this desecrate animal corpses for ad money wasn’t one of them.
It’s just such a disingenuous argument. If this guy’s injury left him “completely unable” to keep himself from molesting children, absolutely no one would be arguing that it was “discrimination” to keep him away from children. When all he’s doing is assaulting women, though, women just need to suck it up and realize…
Mrs. Assassin, my wife, multiracial, all the way from the small island of Malamawi. Lots of Filipino blood. I love it.