Weather and Darkness

I love this idea

With all the hoopla about trying to get to 300mph in a street legal street car, where is the race to beat 200mph the less than 500hp in a street legal street car?

I'm down for whatever, as long as I don't wake up to a flurry of twat mist in a forest of cock shafts.

Yeah! Wild huh? 1912 and still doing its thing. I may do a follow up on how this thing made it through WWII, apparently the story is just ridiculous.

THIS belongs in the scary stories contest they have every year. I am serious.

"Most of the parents I talk to are boomers, who share similar values and beliefs, including thoughts on how parents should be treated. The similarities I've seen in stories about how they lost contact with their children created a new direction for my research — our culture."

My reaction a few years ago to my father starting to lose his temper with my niece and my need to defend her and get her away from him was so intense it scared me. I had no idea how immune I had become to his behavior until I saw it focused on someone so young and innocent. It made me sad that I didn't have anyone

Yeah, if your take on your adult children telling you why they're upset is "they open their mouths and all I hear is whomp whomp whomp" then I don't think /they're/ the problem.

Typical internet commentator nonsense.

Will ice race.

Can confirm, are not.

Here's how public television avoids this. They don't give a fuck about ratings or audience share. It's all about educating the public come hell or high water. And because of this freedom from commercial sponsors, audience share or prime time. They can concentrate on giving us shows and content that's actually good and

I can't believe this very long and very good article has exactly 0 mentions of the fact that this is the car Tom Kristensen drove to his first Le Mans win. That is very important since we all know Tom Kristensen has won Le Mans more than anyone else has won Le Mans. It is an important part of this car's history, and

The who is indeed up there, but a case could also be made for:

Just leaving this here:

Sophistry. Economics -is- politics, a emergent property of the existence of a body that defines which contracts will be legally enforced and how. You can no more keep capitalism and politics separate than you can keep communism and politics separate.

Oh brother! Where the HECK in that intro did it say ANYTHING about it being the Poor who were at fault?

So you're not disagreeing that he was arrogant nor that he was a control freak? Your argument is simply that I shouldn't have called him those things because he was just being honest about how genius he was?

I like that the author of this piece repeatedly implies that things like communal living, communal cooking, and communal child-rearing with women paid for the time they put in, are all utopian, despite (apart from the last element) being the dominant form of living for most of human history. The only unusual thing is