Weather and Darkness

Basically, but clearly not half as batshit. That’s a 2 Eleven which only came with 250hp, not 450 as this new 3 Eleven does. No telling what engine setup that guy had though. But basically the same thing. It’s Elise chassis based, but so is The Tesla Roadster, and a whole host of other things. But I’d say this is

Actually, i have seen it, but being 6yrs old and it having come on at 12am, i didn’t stay awake. I remember my dad being pretty enthused about it though.

I think the primary responsible party for the crazy inflation in value of F1s is the sultan of brunei. Apparently, several are parked in the sun and now possibly beyond saving, the guy thinks he’s too cool to attend his own birthday party featuring Micheal Jackson in person; actually driving all of his McLaren F1s?

And yet, you didn’t know about the luggage compartments? An F1 owner who goes by ‘Fish’ has a good story about being searched by the customs agents upon return by Chunnel to england. They spent a while searching the car to be sure he wasn’t smuggling anything, as customs agents do, but they totally neglected to look

Crashed hey? I’m starting to see a pattern here.

Tread, Stef. Maybe a typo but there are far too many people out there who confuse the two.

they had to weigh each piece—

Reminds me of the airbags from Demolition Man, which as it happened were also in a GM, the Ultralite as it was called. A real GM prototype made of carbon fiber at 1400lb and 111hp.

Torch gone done been Orloved

I suppose, like any Ive design, if it's not hampered by too many cardinal sins it'll be pretty much genius.

I think in some important ways Richard Scary is responsible for getting me into cars.

this is the one that gets my nomination for COTD, for whatever that might be worth.


Still looks like a nightmare to try and read while you're supposed to be focusing on the road.
Who signed off on the Mclaren? All the icons look exactly the same, that's the last thing you want when you're trying not to crash.

I love the fact that he rallies these homebuilt engines of his. Also, i think that's the first time I've seen one of them installed in the car. Looks like he's got a good hookup for exhaust too.

Someone explain to me how a browser can possibly use 3GB of ram. Clearly something is profoundly fucked up.

Didn't that guy build that from scratch?

Well thanks for that. I've learned something today!
As much as your ob/gyn was like "ya, that happens" I'm sure most people don't know it does, probably leads to a lot of freakouts., and the occasional fainting or worse. Sounds pretty nuts man!

Brands is full of odd little elevation changes and odd camber, it is ripe for such things, i just had no idea what the racing was like.

yes yes, except, unvaccinated people endanger the rest of us. they aren't a risk only to themselves.