Weather and Darkness

Japan got white soon after.

thank you for that belly laugh

I'm going to defend the racism in the film by suggesting that as a society we are encouraging the basest nature of those around us and for the unmotivated and uninspired, the stereotype feels like the end goal. If you want to show intellectual laziness you show people adopting the easiest way to social acceptance or

The edition of Brave New World I read actually had some coverage of the exchange that happened between them. If i remember correctly they both conceded that they described what would happen, but that it was less likely to look as overt as Orwell's vision. Which if we're honest is exactly what we got.

pot-kettle much?
The trick is in redirecting blame, and bad choices of stimulation. If we say that a society of base consumerism and anti-intellectualism is most easily avoided by eugenics everyone will laugh and say, well we're fine then. But we'll be avoiding all the real issues.

you poor sad sorry little soul

You're basing this on a false premise. Dumb people are not genetically dumb, it's the glorification of hedonism and anti-intellectualism that leads us to idiocracy. They aren't suggesting that the solution is making sure dumb people don't have kids. And you're not helping by making such a shallow reading.

Oh but it is. It's the key enabler.
Tell me, what is it that we should be worried about?

I wanted one of these so bad until the second time I held one in my hands. I think this phone is what sold the original iMac's translucency, full on transparency just sort of made things look cheap.

you know, say what you want about Palm, but in the two years since my Treo finally gave up the ghost i've had an LG two iPhones and a bevy of Android devices, and for already having been 6 years old, it was just as reliable and much faster at synching with my desktop. The camera was even decent for the time.

This is going to bite you.
It may surprise you that the big brother of the book is hardly removed at all from the surveillance environment of you and i here today in 2014.

Dude, you said his arrogance was not germane to the subject. All i'm saying is that nothing could be further from the truth.

Who can afford that?

I think you misread Wright. His creations are by your own admission a product of his personality, both his genius and his arrogance. I think you overstate his genius and are unwilling to see that the product of his arrogance is necessarily as important, and is in fact what Broadacres is. And hence, the fact that he

what a strange thing to say

the difference was that the despot was an industrialist who could blame his shareholders who were no doubt running their own scams elsewhere.

Just so we're arguing truths here, Objectivism was invented well after Capitalism and the one, can not realistically be considered the extension of the other.

The argument you make subsequent to that is therefore kind of bizarre.

However, the latter could easily have come to be without democracy, the former could not have come to be without capitalism. As I pontificated earlier, the town was analogous to a tool chest made of people-wrenches, in the company's calculations to develop a pure vertically integrated process of production. The fact

I'm going to reiterate myself:

The society was developed as part of the production line, a means of controlling costs, in the name of vertical integration the employees were treated as spanners with pretty, high-maintenance toolboxes, that were carried in every morning. It's the solution any corporatist would enact

The society was developed as part of the production line, a means of controlling costs, in the name of vertical integration the employees were treated as spanners with pretty, high-maintenance carry-cases that were stored offsite. It's the solution any corporatist would enact guided by his belief in shareholders'