Look at the "sandwich" bit at :52... I'm not seeing Vulcan ears
Look at the "sandwich" bit at :52... I'm not seeing Vulcan ears
I was recently talking with a retired MSFT employee that indicated Bill mellowed out quite a bit right around the time Melinda came into the picture.
Run powershell as admin?
@soren121: and in the meantime, you can still visit facebook via [www.facebook.com]
@bluecardinal: its not intensive on one off connections, when ALL HTTP connections become HTTPS connections, there's more overhead —- typically more of a server-side concern
@sans_fi: This is easily explained... this is a 2D representation of a 3D space. We're not looking down on the galaxy from top dead center, but it's at a skewed angle so you get a better idea of where everything is :p
@TonySwank: Except for the fact that it's a tethered jailbreak right now. Combine that with the fact that having MyWi installed forces a tethered reboot, & it's not as attractive of a solution it was several months ago.
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Is it that bad sir?
@DirtyDogg: Scuttlebutt in our shop has said that certain MSFT higher-ups were not happy that Windows 7 ended up being ver 6.1. By the time they realized they were dealing with an evolution & not a revolution (ie, Vista SE), it was too late to change. Supposedly a decree was made that version numbers would not be…
This one seems to be a bit better, with an actual explanation of the differences:
@subtlescalpel ▚▛▜▝▟▚: The stills look brilliant —- the clips fall short though. CLU 2 looks unnatural & "not right"
@lookingforenergy: Didn't Greer ask if the "dino" was something they could BBQ?
Needs more car chases. And explosions.
@ttyymmnn: wasn't this explained in one of the books? I seem to recall something about decreased gravity in the gun wells... Then again, that could just be something my friends & I made up when we were 13.
@Thai Fighter: Pr0n?
@pjfranke: It looks like her right arm would need to be ridiculously long to reach around him in that pose... just looks funny
@bluetuned: I'm not seeing it
does anyone else have a problem with what 13's right arm is doing?