
Could not be more pleased with my daughters’ district, which, just to provide some context, is 22 percent ELL and 44 percent free or reduced lunch eligible. The superintendent sent a message to parents last week that said the district “unequivocally supports our students’ Constitutional rights to peaceful assembly and

Especially if accompanied by Vino

I fervently hope that every single person or school administrator who did anything to punish these kids has their actions dragged out into the open and crushed under the weight of public outrage. THIS is what democracy looks like, you cowardly fuckers. (Sorry. Feelin’ a bit testy about this.)

The more conservatives tighten their grip, the more children will slip through their fingers...

Just fucking WOW

I’d be blinded by my love for Cheese Festivals.

Interesting. I have resting frowning/bored/bitch face most of the time. I think I’d prefer for people to always think I’m smiling than frowning. If you’re a celeb/royal, though, it’d probably come in handy.

Oh honey I am so sorry. Don’t worry about anyone’s judgement. Maybe they won’t even listen. Call and say goodbye. I am crying with you. I miss my grandpa, tell yours you love him ❤️🌻

Can you ask your family members to leave for a few minutes while you talk to your grandfather? I definitely don’t think you should hold back when you speak to him, even if your family doesn’t leave the room.

I’m sorry you’re going through this. Do they all have to stay and listen in or can they leave for a few minutes while you talk to him? If it’s just one person holding the phone for him just say what you have to say. No matter what, saying good bye matters more. It’s an opportunity few people get. Take it.

This is tough, but I think you just need to be really sincere.

To be honest, when someone’s passing you can’t leave out anything because you will be filled with regret of not being there... or not saying enough.

As of five minutes ago!:

Right? The laugh-and-hug vibes are on point in that image. They should photoshop in an eyebrow raise on Harry.

The girl playing Kate looks like a Dugger.

I already feel that the bad accents will make my ears bleed, also that girl looks as much like Kate as much as Kevin James looks like Abraham Lincoln.

Gerard Butler and Johnny Depp say hello

I found them to be very distracting, and there is a lot of double crossing going on so I really needed to pay attention.

It wouldn’t be that bad of a prediction if by ‘end abortion in our time’ he meant ‘because access to sex education and contraceptives will be so widespread and freely available that no one outside of health-of-the-mother circumstances will actually need an abortion.’

“If all of us do all we can, we can once again, in our time, restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law,”