
You’re right that AI doesn’t quite learn the same way as a human but still way off in your understanding.

That’s it? That’s all she said and it warranted this whole piece?


Live Action =/= Realism. Verisimilitude or lack thereof is an aesthetic choice.

I was already excited to see this, but then I saw Michael Emerson in the trailer and now I’m doubly excited.

Maybe they really want people to buy the game once on console and then again on PC?

I mean that isn’t what happened. Millions and millions of people just kind of enjoyed it in a more civilised and unhyped way. Shared lots of content, had lots of discussions. There was no dull wet thud, it was just a pretty smooth and uneventful landing, not like a super hero landing like other games do. For the

It’s not abundantly clear how this move benefits WBD at all other than as a bit of face-saving

For a one note side character in Letterkenny, Shoresy in a sports comedy format works really well. I never get tired of him interrupting the answer to his own question with “Huh?!” and also how he says “For what?!”

You get a stick for the first comment

Even some people in the industry are turning.  And to some degree, I can’t blame them-- it’s really hard to be supportive of someone else when you haven’t been able to make mortgage payments for six months.

Not that it really matters much in the grand scheme of things, but that plane crash was NOT the one in the pilot. It was the one halfway through the season where Homelander switches gears halfway through a rescue to killing everyone rather than leave witnesses to how he couldn’t save everyone. And the episode review

That’s pretty much my thoughts if you can make serious bank using what you got go for it. And she is at least being smart money wise, or her business manager is, and branching out into other things not 100% reliant on her looks.

No, Taylor Swift is showing studios the importance of Taylor Swift. 

To Jada, it appears to be a way to maintain a lifestyle her mediocre talent could not, and to continously drag the person she claims to love. She’s an asshole. Period. Full stop.

The issue here is more the very specific story he told about his daughter - one where the outright fabrication about something kind of big is a weird lie to have made up.

He’s also from Florida and he went to a fancy private school. He doesn't sound like that either. 

The premise is stupid. All comedians embellish for effect.

Honestly, I think this is as good as Jill's grasp on reality is going to get. Major scandals with her parents, church, and brother combined with a decent husband won't be enough to undo the decades of fucked up shit she was raised with.