
Yeah I think they were thinking of physical keys because, well, you said keys. Key fob in pocket is fine but as someone who has to carry around a large set of physical keys all day, they should never be put in pockets. Not because they stab you but because they will wear a hole in your pocket/hoodie/etc.

I love it because she is out Trumping Trump.

One night probably a year after this premiered I was channel surfing at like 2am. I randomly stumbled upon this show (which I didn’t know existed even though I was/am a huge Kevin Smith fan). The channel was playing all 6 episodes. Watched the entire thing, laugh my ass off and then fell asleep to the national anthem

While no one has put the clip up on youtube, obligatory when discussing steaks:

Medium rare

Limited visitation?

What opportunities? He’s a streamer. He could never play with anyone again if he wanted. Would he be denying all streamers opportunities then?

Honestly, if you want to chemical treat drains, get muriatic acid. Be super careful when using it though. A good wiff of the stuff will put you on your ass.

Does he know that “Asians” also includes Russians?  

The reason that a ton of dash cam footage came from Russia for a long time is because of shit like that. Corruption and insurance fraud is so rampant over there that people started buying the cams to protect themselves.

Depending where you live, downloading may not be illegal.

Yeah, its not like over a million people still play PUBG at the same time anymore....oh wait, yes they do.

ANTIFA stands for “Anti-Facisits”

Good on them.

So the IGN reviewer did what 14 yr old me was doing back in the original Xbox days.....

Same with me.

Not my cat but a close friends is Biggie Paws

I taught goaltending for awhile, here are my “unconventional” drills:

Doesn’t work so well in Canada when 1 in 5 Canadians are foreign born.

I just like to point out to people that scream about “the war on christmas” that “Christmas” existed long before Christ did and the Church co-opted that celebration to celebrate Jesus.