People need to watch this. Youtube doesn’t really have control over their algorithm. It’s strange to think of but really it’s a black box:
People need to watch this. Youtube doesn’t really have control over their algorithm. It’s strange to think of but really it’s a black box:
“...I did NOT know of the meeting with my son, Don jr. Sounds to me like someone is trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of an unrelated jam (Taxi cabs maybe?). He even retained Bill and Crooked Hillary’s lawyer. Gee, I wonder if they helped him make the choice!”
I’m not talking about this story but
I’m probably around the same age as you and agree. Socialism was conflated with communism from WW2 on and capitalism vs communism defined a generation but things have changed. Older people hear socialism and think USSR, hiding under their desks, food lines, police-state,etc. Younger people hear socialism and go “Oh…
Kind of, if the hippos knees were at hood level of most cars. People die all the time in Canada from hitting them. They are so massive and big that hitting one can easily be a death sentence (since their massive body weight of up to 1500 lbs for bulls flies into your windshield). Plus the territorial thing, panic…
I’m not disagreeing with you but sports are also a place for people to let their aggression out in a socially acceptable way. There should be leagues for competitive people and for “friendlies” with different rule sets.
Our adult hockey leagues are set-up like this in Canada. There are different divisions, of varying skill levels. Where I live, the Summer A division is stupid competitive. It’s filled with current and ex professional players and high talent junior players. After 2 seasons playing goal for them I had to drop off the…
Many people here are saying “Why do the farmers need this, they’re massive land owners! etc etc”.
I love the disconnect between “We are doing better than ever before” and “I’m going to impose tariffs”
1) Most of those tweets are from 6-10 years ago. When Gunn was a nobody and hanging out in the comics circles in a time where being a “shock” comic was still a huge thing.
As Jim Jefferies would say:
“Farmers have been on a downward trend for 15 years. The price of soybeans has fallen 50% since 5 years before the Election. A big reason is bad (terrible) Trade Deals with other countries. They put on massive Tariffs and Barriers. Canada charges 275% on Dairy. Farmers will WIN!”
I like how Realm Royale did their scoring last night.
It’s a weird thing to see in public. White Canadians can be racist af but they usually do it in the privacy of other white people (key word is usually. This is rare but not like super rare)
Aside from Nintendo, MS and Sony usually lose money on each console sold, espeically during the first few years of launch (they are actually priced lower than cost). The console is just the way to get people into their eco-system.
Canadian ISP’s are weird. When broadband first came out, it was unlimited. It stayed that way until around 2010ish, then the big three (Rogers, Bell, Shaw/Telus out west) started instituting bullshit caps (caps are nothing but money grabs, data costs ISP’s nothing). For awhile, you dealt with it but then 3rd party…
As people have said, parents were told the wrong thing for a long time. It’s becoming more apparent that the earlier we are exposed to things, the less likely we will develop allergies.
The tax thing is a myth.
From what I have gathered up here near TO, this trade was made for a few reasons: