
Hit a brick wall and no air bags??

Interior looks alright. Buy it, get a nice cheap macco scratch and paint. Then sell if for profit.

No BMW X5 M 3.8 0-60: .98g on the skid pad? Very very comparable numbers to the M5??

I had high hopes for the movie. All hopes dashed. There were no car chase scenes in the book. They done messed it up.

Rear sparkplugs on a v6 4th gen F-body. There have to be a very large portion of these cars that are still running the same rear sparkplugs from the factory to this day.

Zipcar is owned by Avis Budged Group. Work in credit for a Fortune 500. I checked in via a credit company we use.

Looks like it takes off after it gets boost. Seems he would be a lot faster with nitrous to help spool up.

Might check out the Suzuki 1200 S bandit if you are looking for a upgrade. Big ole’ midrange, naked and comfy.

The real question is... Will jet fuel melt it. hahaha

Race, and/or racing.

So your head would have to exposed, to see the gauges.. breath etc. And the goop would we up to say your shoulders? So you get in a accedent your whole body would be stopped by the goop and your head would break off and fly through the windshield?

While not mine..(my fathers). My dad found a car he had to have. Took mom out to lunch and she said no way. Later that day he brought it home a red 1968 Covertiable Fomula 400 Firebird. My mother is a good Christian lady and doesn’t cuse...but the car is know as the F^$@ing-Firebird. I thought it was kind of a joke,

I get on Reddit and I'm like is this Jalopnik (every other post is about the new wing on the Porsche)? Get on Jalopnik and I'm like is this Reddit?

Seems the owners would go pull the data from the cars themselves and see how they were treated during the time of impound.


Run at a higher gear and down shift you lazy putz.

Decreased its future resale by a few decimal places.. Ha look for a 928 with 100K+ miles and hasn’t had the timing belt changed. Belt is cheap, idler pulley is outrageous even at cost. Then the labor cost engine has to come out to change those things, and it can only be dropped out the bottom/car lifted off the motor.