Kill them. That is a capital offense if I ever heard of one.
Kill them. That is a capital offense if I ever heard of one.
i mean yeah if you offered me some for free i’d scrape off the pound of fondant and hoover it.
Looks like it’s her way to say “you guys are two ugly drunks”.
Candace Cameron was my first lesbian crush at like 8 years old. She came to a mall in my town to sign autographs and I waited in line for hours but she left early and I never got my chance to impress her. She’s been a steady disappointment ever since.
We have a lot of work to do. It’s not starting shit, it’s not letting us forget about it. I didn’t vote for him but I know a hell of a lot women who did or who didn’t vote and change starts at home. I say that as someone who, at times, really feels like giving up or stepping back. It’s really hard to make a difference…
Too many women, especially women of color, have had a lifetime of practice taking precisely these kinds of indignities in stride,” Clinton said.
All we learned was that the best place to hide is where we get coffee. Seeing as how shitty our coffee is, I can’t argue with the logic of hiding there.
Agreed with the age thing, they’re both too young and too damn hot. Doesn’t Offred mention in the book that she remembers Serena Joy being a televangelist from her earlier life. Gilead is brand new, only like a 5 years old or so probably. Offred has to be in her late twenties-early thirties. Let’s assume she remembers…
There’s just so much focus on how much Serena Joy has aged when Offred is there compared to her heyday as a televangelist some decades back. Offred is in her early 30s. I’d imagine Serena Joy and the Commander to be in their 50s. It’s not like we don’t have enough actresses and actors in their 50s to play these…
It’s not a horror novel a la Stephen King.
How did you feel about 1984? Because it’s kinda like reading that, only more realistic/closer to our reality, and particularly terrifying for women.
Agreed— why is Serena Joy in this movie too young? I envisioned her as an older woman in her 50s or older and she’s resentful and jealous of Offred due to her age, child-bearing abilities and her duty to have sex with Serena’s husband.
It’s terrifying, but not any more terrifying than history or uncertain future.
This trailer legitimately made me cry because it feels like it’s just so close to this side of possibility. I just finished re-reading the book in anticipation of this series and it was truly terrifying.
It’s the only book that’s ever given me nightmares. It’s scary because it could actually happen.
Look at the size of this thing:
I ♥♥♥ Brahmas!!! I need to move so I can get more chickens!
You poor sap. Saying you have never been creatively influenced is like admitting you shop at Sears and live in the Midwest. You should fill your Crocs with cement and float to the bottom of your sub division pond. Nice try user name.
This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this person.
That’s a thing? End times I guess.