Thee Domestic Bemuse

Everything about this debacle is shaky, including Deal’s quasi-socialist (oh, the irony!) “absorbing” of costs for 30-days. You asked about day 31. Another question we’re asking here is, absorbed with what money? Georgia was one of the states that sued the Obama administration because socialism!!!1! is bad and

My understanding is that emergency room situations and approved types of continuing care (pregnancy*, folks awaiting organ transplants, cancer treatments) will not be denied in-network cost of coverage at Piedmont facilities (I assume this is for the duration of active negotiations). In the case of emergency rooms, I

You’ll notice how the fog cleverly obscures his feet during the performance, also. . . Hmm!

I thought that, too! But Sanka is decaf, so that wouldn’t do much to keep anyone up. . . When I recently checked the lyrics numerous sites have it as Saeco, as in the espresso machine, so who knows. Either way, my love is not diminished! It’s goofy and wonderful and I love it.

Sweet Tee rapped my favorite couplet ever:

I always think of the Bikini Kill song “Bloody Ice Cream,”

God, this movie so good. The precision, the quiet radicalism, the abundant care put into every little detail. I believe the whole thing is only 80 or so shots? Such a lovely experience. Straub-Huillet deserve so much more recognition, their films really are special things.

It is also possible not to communicate with friends and family without it, which is where the real magic begins.

“Tall table, tall chairs!”

You’re talking about 1 guy, likely with a 9mm with maybe 9-15 rounds going up against someone with nothing to lose and an ar-15 and 30 rounds (or legally up to 60 or 100 rounds).

Hamilton must have been a real fucking existential crisis for Larry.


I knew that was a sign.

I know a lot of people are saying it’s more psychological thriller than horror, but tropes of both are deployed throughout the movie to great effect, along with a dash of (I don’t think it’s too spoilerish to mention) science-fiction thrown in the premise. To my mind it’s along the lines of Stepford Wives, certain

I think the “why” in this case is being used as a device for echoing the natural question that gets asked any time a young person commits suicide: “Why?” You’re absolutely right it isn’t grammatically correct, but it is evocative and perhaps clenches the central conceit of the novel more tightly than “Thirteen

If you have even a passing interest in documentaries, The Gleaners and I is one of the best ever made. But, of course, most everything of Varda’s is truly wonderful. Vagabond is an outright masterpiece.

I definitely feel you on the writing class thing, but I think I have a bit of a different take otherwise. For me, in a writing class or a business setting or what have you, there are rules to follow (and occasionally break in creative ways) simply because you’re engaging in an a system organized by various rules. The