oh Birbigs, you and Serial and TAL and Ira are all just the bees knees and make my life brighter. If I didn't think it would be weird, I'd tweet this at you. :)
oh Birbigs, you and Serial and TAL and Ira are all just the bees knees and make my life brighter. If I didn't think it would be weird, I'd tweet this at you. :)
She was actually arrested in Orland Park, though she is from Riverdale. I don't recommend driving around OP even the slightest bit impaired; I feel like I see a police car every few minutes there when I'm shopping. It made me want to avoid every last silly chain restaurant when I was into large, mixed drinks of…
I thought Seth Rogen or James Franco would have been the first to jump on it, and either of them would use their own asses.
If this is true, why don't we just call shade by its true name? Passive-aggressiveness.
That is sad, though not surprising at all. Maybe it's up to the election commision or clerk's office then, because we at least got stickers in suburban Cook Co.
Man... Illinois's "I Voted" stickers are super lame compared to some of the ones I'm seeing here. Bummer. (And yes, I 100% get that it's NOT the point. But I'd still like a more attractive way to brag about being a good citizen.)
His wit always really impresses me.
If music were still purchased in physical form, I would be burning all of my Lily Allen records/CDs/etc right now. That's infuriating. (Though I only own two songs, so it would be a really anticlimactic fire.)
See, I rather enjoyed her latest single. It's something of an earworm, and I was singing it under my breath for nearly a week after I first heard it. And all I had previously recalled of her was that she had dated Rob Kardashian. (Shrugs) So apparently I didn't know she had been trying to be a thing for such a long…
Between the dumb-dumbs at my doctors office preventing my rx getting filled and the ever dwindling daylight, I can damn near feel the twisty limbs of depression creeping into my brain. But honest to blog (heh), these little absurdities just made me feel ever so much and inexplicably better. Thanks Kitchenette. :)
This chick who used to do my hair dated Lucas Neff for a time while he was on Raising Hope. I was mildly impressed. Now that I'm more familiar with him via Tweet Beat, I'm pretty jealous.
I'd chalk it up to Home Ec classes not being appealing to colleges either. I had the choice between Business 101 and Home Ec to fulfill whatever requirement it was, and the business class was the hands-down transcript winner. Consequently I can't sew worth crap, and I'd sooner die than host a dinner party.
Though I don't imagine it's that much work when you're a Packers fan already. ;)
I was going to make a similar comment, but it appears SighCan'tRememberMyName is correct - Wendy Williams has Graves' disease, which accounts for the appearance of her eyes. I wrongly assumed she had some ill-advised cosmetic procedures, so it's a good reminder (for me, at least) there can often be more to the…
Oh Lindsay... Funny, The stage manager forgot to call all of the cues for the lights for your scenes. But at least she showed up for the show, right?
But it does appear in your "Purchased" list, which I look at rather frequently on my MacBpok. And without a warning email and when noticed first thing in the morning, I assumed I did some ill-advised sleep shopping via my phone and it just hadn't synced over yet to my computer. And yes, sleep shopping is a thing. It…
That's interesting, I hadn't heard that before. I will have to research.
The first time the numbness thing happened to me I thought I was having a stroke. It was also half my face, but then went down my neck into shoulder, arms, and even my fingers. I had always had classic migraine symptoms but never a "complex" one before. Scared the crap out of me. I didn't even think to go the…