Domestically Disabled

That's horrible, and I'm terribly sorry you had to constantly share that with people. I am a very private person (when not hiding behind the anonymity of the internet), and I am on a medically supervised diet right now. I am aiming to lose as much weight as I can in preparation for a hip replacement that I will have

Can we add in that if someone has lost or is losing weight, if they're not dying to talk about it, ITZ NOT OK to ask them about it?

Re: Mika + S. Bee - And it shall be known as "suspicious duckface." For some reason, I'm a fan.

I want to snatch that dog in Lena Dunham's picture. More adorable face ever.

I had the EXACT same reaction to that yarn. Good gumdrops, I'm itchy just looking at it.

I loved your first point, but I love you even harder for backing up your assertion with a Planet Money blog post.

ERW was already covered in yesterdays Tweet Beat; plus Rich did a great interview with Kathleen Hanna over on Gawker earlier in the week. I can't recall if it was cross-linked here.

Thank you for for the excellent suggestion. I might just swing by the one in Oakbrook after work now!

Smartwool socks - That's what I'm missing in my life! You are 100% accurate, by the by.

Can we talk about how this side by side of the FOB boys and the One Direction boys has done more to make me feel old than anything else in the past 5 years?

Mara Wilson has been my celebrity doppelganger all my life. I actually had a client once tell me I looked like the little girl from Matilda when I cut my bangs straight across my forehead. When I was 25 or so. But I rather adore her and have learned to take it as a compliment that I look like a celebrity most

Hear hear! I am 100% this friend (and this big sister). I have a trusty baseball bat, and it turns out that my donor research skills learned in my fundraising day job are rather useful when it comes to hunting down dirtbags and digging up criminal records in 5 minutes flat.

I was indirectly propositioned for a threesome by Michael Shannon. A friend and I were sharing a hotel room in New York at some time in 2005 while we were working on a show that was in FringeNYC. She went out to dinner one evening with some of our show business-y friends, and he was there. I wasn't even 21 yet, and

I inadvertently made a soup recipe from Alicia Silverstone's book that was re-posted on a blog and I only noticed it was hers after I made it. It was kinda spectacular! Sweet potatoes and lentils with spinach. Whoever she had creating her recipes knew what they were doing.

Before I clicked into the article proper, I thought Anika Noni Rose was Khandi Alexander. I was ashamed of myself for my "people of X race all look the same" sort of moment before I realized I don't have my reading glasses on and I've hit the point of the evening in terms of eye strain where it definitely makes a

I've recently become acquainted with some of the fundraising staff and board members at MAW National. Nicest, most genuine, best bunch of people ever. I've come to understand how Wish Grantors take their roles incredibly seriously and how much time the donors invest in making the wishes happen, not just funds.

I too have crazy curly hair and I saw this older woman at the flea market the other day with the most beautiful white curly hair. It was so inspiring. I loathe the idea that every woman has to lop off her hair at 40. So I say Power to You!

It's an approach that is really about making peace with your body and with food. It was the very first book my nutritionist had me read. It's sort of the anti-diet in that food is not the enemy. I won't say that I don't count things, and measure things, but there are huge parts of the philosophy that I find

I found intuitive eating to be a good part of my approach, which might be good for you, especially if you're comfortable at your weight. I have an impending hip replacement due to a birth defect and am trying to lose weight so it can go as well as possible, and I admit that the psychology aspect is the most difficult

I'm the older of the two of us actually, but for a minute I was confused, because I happen to know my sister is also a Jezebel reader.