Domestically Disabled

I listen to it secretly via Netflix app at work too!

The actor spotting of all levels is great; I love spotting people I went to theater school with paying their dues on the various versions of the shows. And I experienced an unparalleled level of celebrity death sadness when Jerry Orbach passed. I think your argument about the greatness of the show would be dead on!

YES, soothing is definitely it. I also put it certain episodes on when I'm having an anxiety attack.

Perhaps it IS the dink-dink sound.

People think I'm nuts for putting Law & Order on in the background when I need to focus, but she sort of validates it for me. Anyone else do this too?

Pssh, like they would shell out their donations from wackadoos to hire a union crew or actors with their SAG cards. That's socialism!

Thank you for the update on Tig. She truly is a "human pile of treasure" and I really genuinely hope she gets better.

You're the only person on the thread who commented on Tig's inclusion, so I'm going to share my mutual love and a little anecdote here with you. I just got home from a screening of Sleepwalk with Me that included a live Q&A with Ira Glass. Ira said we could ask about anything - the movie, TAL, etc. and he was going

Wisconsin is the new Arizona.

Born on 3rd thinking she hit a triple - that is the best turn of phrase I've ever read.

I'm a firm believer that people's insides often manifest on their outsides. It's her lack of generosity and empathy showing.

Aww, poor little furry guy.

Or sense!

Experts are BAD. Knowing a great deal about a topic is BAD.


Second that. I know people generally don't think much of single, childless women, but that speech insulted me in ways I didn't know I could be insulted.

Indeed, she mentioned it. Nothing about how most people stricken with either MS or breast cancer have to practically mortgage their souls to finance the treatment though.

Oh thank you thank you thank you for posting this. I needed some comic relief in the office today!

I'd love for that to happen! I have such a love/hate relationship with TheGrindstone. Sometimes it has really great stories - today one is "3 Ways Women Can Try to Close the Wage Gap." But then there's this tripe. I personally can't stand that particular writer, so I would totally nominate a fellow Jezzie to take

Whoa, A. Skars has loads of siblings. And one must wonder if they're all as gorgeous as him.