I believe this phenomenon is well-demonstrated in a link from this morning's Dirt Bag concerning Lena Dunham's new show.
I believe this phenomenon is well-demonstrated in a link from this morning's Dirt Bag concerning Lena Dunham's new show.
Jasmine Guy has never failed to give me the absolute creeps, and this is no exception.
For real re:Serena - she's a world class athlete. Not that anyone should be pointing out anyone's muffin top in the first place. I loathe that phrase.
This pretty much made my day, so thank you.
My friend named her kid Jacob - after the Twilight books. Her husband has no freaking clue that's why she picked the name, and I kinda can't wait until that detail is revealed someday.
I've always thought that Hugh Jackman's choice of spouse and lengthy commitment to her speaks very highly of him. And now even more so that she's evidently blunt in an awesome way.
I had a similar thought which was, "Hasn't she been the 'edgy youth voice' for like fifteen years now?" But then again, it might be a good thing if they can't find anyone younger to replace her.
That is one amazingly smart and wonderful mom. All children should be so lucky.
I always loved Kyle Orton because he looked more like a dude in a garage band than a football player. I was sad when he left.
I think any woman is 1/4 the size of the Bears defense. But they're all so awesome, I could never pick just one!
Ok, I can see that. I most certainly agree with the fiscal responsibility part. It almost makes me wonder what all of the gangs and cartels would do with themselves.
Haven't you heard, anti-choicers? Making things illegal always makes them go away! The world has been great now that no one does drugs like heroin anymore. Problem solved!
In junior high, I actually ran a year-long scam in which I did math homework for several boys. In exchange? They had to do my art projects. I never would have passed art otherwise! My raging perfectionism coupled with my poor hand/eye coordination meant I would spend entire weeks on projects I would never finish. …
Agreed! We always talk about the sets of Irish twins in my super Irish Catholic family. However, when referring to my meth-head cousin's two babies in twelve months by two mothers, we call them "Flavor Flav" twins.
I'm trying not to do the "annoying cry for help on the Internet" thing. I haven't been out of bed since Thursday. I'm so painfully, painfully miserable. My mother is annoyed with me, and my friends don't understand that I'm not being a bitch when I turn my phone off and skip out on things. I have no job, and no…
Was the musical you were in Assassins? I love that show...
I have to second the swimming suggestion. My mother has had fibro for 20+ years, and it's the on type of exercise she can manage on a somewhat consistent basis. I would also suggest a very gentle yoga class.
Future Hipster Scouts of America! [catandgirl.com]
A Real Hero by College
Stephen Fry's swearing is so delightfully British, I adore it.