Domestically Disabled

I just plain old don't think that photo looks like Ali Lohan. I could be wrong though...

Ha, I immediately thought of Sliding Doors too! One of the few Gwyneth movies I actually enjoy...

I tell people I need some sunlight time. Even in the dead of winter, no one really questions it. Plus I genuinely do go stand in the sun for a good 5-10 minutes. Of course, this only works during the day. Otherwise "fresh air" does the trick.

Well, then she invested quite well.

Wait, wasn't the big rumor that she was wearing padding?

When I first scanned the headline of this, I thought it said "Read the First Chapter of Tyra Banks' ModelHEAD." Freudian Tyra fivehead association... I had never heard that expression until she used it on ANTM, and I LOVED it, because I too have a fivehead.

About 5 years ago, my now ex-boyfriend was OBSESSED with John Stamos, Uncle Jesse, and this website for a good solid summer: []

Thank you. I am sighing with relief.

Will some one please, please reassure me that Patti Stanger is nuts? That woman has an unparalleled ability to make me feel terrible about myself? (Well, matched only by my father, perhaps, but that's an entirely separate bag of nuts.)

Very true, the t-shirts are the best things ever. Durable as all get out, too.

You are much, much braver than me.

I was following the same train of thought before I clicked over to the NYT.

I think the last name given to Kristine in the 3rd paragraph should be "Cushing" and not "Conlon." #corrections

Not cute but not bad looking either. He always seemed kind of tickled that his claim to fame was the Mean Girls mention though.

Actually, there is a Shane Oman in real life! He works in the Chicago theater scene (which is how Tina Fey knew him), and at the college where I was a theater major. I was so totally geeked out when I realized who he was.

I can stay pale well enough, but then all those freckles pop up. I'd love to know how she stays freckle-free!

Thank you for giving me the best date idea ever! Started dating a guy who really likes dancing and I'm a bit of a dunce at it. Plus he's from downstate and has never taken the L before, so I can kill two birds with one stone.

Mos, my man... We all know you're having a rough go of it lately, what with being bitten by a dog and having a hard time getting your latest album released. But your "complaining about everything under the sun" schtick is not wearing well with age.

Awesome, I feel very accomplished.