Dom Brown

you wasn't there were you if so please tell me what fighting style he used lol

my whole thing is it's almost 10 years since it happened you gotta let it go at some point I'm a fan of both its their relationship their business if they can forgive each other why can't everyone else

no need to call me an asshole because I stated facts so that's the only way you know how to defend yourself. you can debate without being rude Internet thugs won't get you anywhere in life. also I don't hit women I grew up in a family full of women but they also taught me if she want to be treated like a man then so

shit happened in 09 it's 2016 how long you gonna hold on? you wouldn't say the same if it were you in the position he's in. Media teared him apart he begged for forgiveness on huge platforms yet yall still won't let itgo just admit you hate him. I think we as human being tend to forget celebrities are still human and

oh yes very true I agree

I'm talking about CB

Wikipedia is not a credible source they teach you that in school anyone can edit that. I can go on Chris Wikipedia page and say I did a song with him. it's a nonprofit website as well

he doesn't beat women he hit one woman. so we aren't supposed to let go of ppl fuck ups? no one has forgotten it's called forgiving