
Wakanda sends their regards

If he was white it’ll be fine... Black on the other hand... Better make sure to avoid cops like Splinter Cell/Metal Gear quality sneaking.

Imagine walking home in NYC with a giant spear in hand.

We’re having a hard time believing that Berger somehow found a lawyer to represent him

Sure, just as I won’t stand in the way of your desire to be needlessly rude to people you don’t know.

The cynic in me will point out that feature narrative filmmaking is a very different beast from a music video. Murai’s visual flair won’t likely be dimmed, but being able to create relatable characters and a compelling storyline are skills that are essentially unrelated to the visual parts of filmmaking.

You know... You are doing an illegal act, screwing people out of money and you essentially walked away before being crushed by the law.

I hope twitch grinds him into the dirt, until he drops his bullshit suit.

How would you feel if at the end of RDR2, Morgan dies and we take control of John again?

There aren’t enough batteries in the world...

Not just Univision. The individual sites are also a fucking mess, especially The Root and The Slot with some truly disgusting clickbait “articles” (I’m loath even calling them that) showing up every day.

Save data custody? What is this, Divorce Court? So the subscription fee is now alimony...

Alexandre Motherfuking Dumas

This is Google Translate, but here’s the chart Nintendo posted. The red dots are subscription-exclusive features; the grey dots are for everyone.

Cloud Saves and basically all of the NES games I’d want to play. That’s basically all I want from a cheap online subscription personally.

At this point, I’d take it on the back of a napkin if it worked.

So if I’m understanding this correctly.. Donald glover being with a white women makes him a piece of shit who hates any and all black women? makes sense.

It’s sitting right there, on your Netflix queue...waiting. 

No one ever says this about Frederick Douglass, Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poiter, Henry Louis Gates, Quincy Jones, or James Brown. At point all of these Black men who championed or were a beacon for civil rights were dating/married to White women. So why don’t they get the same stank eye too?