
JNR was my shit. Nothing sets the tone quite like Art Blakey on a rainy night in the middle of the city.

Same shit lol. Even if you play disc, a patch can easily remove content.

Too soon. Even 2020 is too soon.

Or for a fucking Hollywood Icon, 2 days in county jail with mandatory pretend counseling.

I don’t know why, but I fucking love this one.

I despise fucking Trump and everything he stands for, obviously, but I’m loath to admit: He’s right about allegations ruining lives.


From Blizz? I honestly don’t. I’d love to be surprised though.

I’ll actually have to go with Nathan with this one. Blackthorne > Lost Vikings.

He is 100% going to attempt to fire Mueller after this one.

Not really excited... I mean, what exactly they got to show? :/

They’re masters of the double standard. I bet you if left-leaning news outlets tore into Alex Jones’s kid the same way he’s doing it into Hogg, he’d lose his fucking mind. Alex Jones, frothing at the mouth (more than usual anyway...), crazy eyes and all, and would probably shoot up his own studio.

No. We just learned since then to get offended and pissed off by literally everything to the point where we literally can’t tell the difference between reality and fiction.

Dipshit opinion or not, give me two seconds to play the devil’s advocate: Why Hogg, and not them?

Except of course at their weekly Nazi Gun Club meetups. It’s okay to be a Nazi then!

Add John Oliver to your list of addictions, and it balances itself out nicely.

Well, if you don’t mind having a bunch of sex workers - illegal they may be - get thrown to far worse wolves than normal as a result of this, then sure! Go feminism!

Sean Hannity?

That’s funny, seeing as their “God” just keeps fucking enabling them more and more.