
How much money did you make, and everyone else on this network, from Kinja deals this week?

Look, I’m with you on everything....but why the fuck are we cherry picking some random insignificant asshole’s review?

I don’t think it’s actually possible to hate Jackson Galaxy. For all his hipsterisms, he’s infectious despite his delivery of brutal honesty and more than anything, he’s a straight up fucking sorcerer.

More often than not, it’s weaboos who exclusively shit on the book for some irrational reason.

For now. They’re gonna be getting into the aerospace and Mars colonization business pretty soon.

Yeah, about that.

And the NRA already filed a lawsuit.

I knew it was the GBA dpad, but the rubber inlay was completely different from the one they used on the original GBA. The plastic was much harder overall.

Uhm... That’s not how it works.

I started WoW in middle school, right around when it first came out. I got bullied when I told everyone I was on Malygos. ;_;

Yeah, but there is one thing that was also genuinely terrible about it: The d-pad. GC controller in a nutshell: Best analog stick, worst d-pad.


Yeah... About that? How many PUG groups actually seriously attempt the latest mythic raids? You avoid those not for whatever drama is going on, but because it’s just a general waste of game time. You ain’t actually ever gonna accomplish anything in there.

For anyone who hasn’t bought it yet, this is it: The culmination of all your existence is upon you. This is where your life has led you. The choices you made, like reading Kinja Deals, have led you to this transient level of absolution.

For anyone who hasn’t bought it yet, this is it: The culmination of all your existence is upon you. This is where

No, it isn’t. :< It’s genre/game dependent, and it hits MOBAs way harder.

1-You’re right, the word escaped me lol. I think I was looking for nonchalant. I posted that not long after I woke up.

Wow. What does he even do for a living these days? “Corporate freelance legal consultation?”

Lol, this is why I avoid MOBA games in general. Well, one of about two dozen reasons. There’s just no way to protect yourself from toxic dipshits out to ruin your fun and day.

Hmmm... Probably the Auction Block. :)