Yeah, but that sweet commission Kinja got by you clicking their link didn’t break after four uses. :3
Yeah, but that sweet commission Kinja got by you clicking their link didn’t break after four uses. :3
Yeah, but that sweet commission Kinja got by you clicking their link didn’t break after four uses. :3
Yeah, but that sweet commission Kinja got by you clicking their link didn’t break after four uses. :3
That’s Suckabee’s job. “Clarify” and then insult every fucking person in the room.
Jesus fucking christ. From 6 free games to 2?
Do we care? It’s Origins.
You’re confused. This game is a ridiculous success, hence they can pretty much do whatever the fuck they want. More expensive DLC episodes for two more years? Yup! An extensive constantly updated online mode? That too! Silly llama costumes for PC services no one actually uses but wankers will bitch about anyway? You…
Except for the twats who would call that the death of Final Fantasy. As everything ever is.
Did you actually read the reviews? It’s LITERALLY like they watched completely different fucking things.
Jesus. Suckabee looks like....the director/warden of a concentration camp. She definitely looks like the sort of piece of shit who would gas anyone who is non-white (and Jewish), then go on and TV and say “Yeah, what we were really doing was attempting to increase their lung capacity. Not that the Fake News would know…
Just picturing the existence of that tape gives me vertigo.
I’m saying something is off. Either Sean, or the other critics, watched completely different things.
Kiwami isn’t a bad place either.
The ESRB is part of a corporate lobbyist group. What the fuck were you expecting?
He deserves far, far, far worse.
Here’s a thought: Don’t buy this utterly shit game, and save even more money!
Here’s a thought: Don’t buy this utterly shit game, and save even more money!
The only Hawk game I honestly remember is Underground. :/
It’s only because these fucking weebs have just now moved on from the PS2 era.
As far as bait goes, this one is pretty meh.
If you steal a quote, then you’re pretty lame.